1 MARCH 1930, Page 22



. _I think you will be interested to hear that, for the conveni- ence of Members of this Society, a Circulating Library of our lecture-records has now been formed. It is confidently expected that the formation of this Library, will not only sustain the interest of present Members but, by enabling the records to be heard by as wide a circle as possible, will awaken the interest of others and so expand the membership of the Society. 'The Hon. Librarian of the SOciety will be pleased to forward particulars to all who write to him at 26 Bucking- ham Gate, Westrain.ster, S.W. 1. • A copy of the rules of the Library is enclosed.—C. BAVIN, 26 Buckingham Gate, West- minster, S.W..1.

[Our readers will remember that we described the work of this society in our issue of September 14th, 1929, page 326.— En. Spectator.]

NEW WORK FOR WOMEN In view of the interest now taken in housing and the opening it affords as a profession for women, I should like to pomt out that a fund exists for training suitable women for house property management on Octavia Hill lines. The Lina Jones Loan Bursary Fund administered by the Central Employment Bureau is available for students taking a full training with this Association.—JeaN M. JAMF.SON, Secretary, 3 Bedford Square, W.C. 1.


One more example of the besetting vice of modern writers is afforded by Canon H. W. B. Thompson, who mentions in your last issue the position of " Provost of Dublin University," although this is a position which does not exist and never has existed.—W. D. GORDON, Dublin.


This extract from a letter received from a friend in an important post in Jerusalem points to, at least, one reconcilig- tion. It accompanied a pin whose head is formed of a crescent and cross united : " The enclosed will interest you ; it is being worn by Moslem and Christian Arabs all over the country and I suppose it is the first time in history that thb Cross and the Crescent have been united. One does not realize, until you live in a country like this, how the symbol of each religion is detested by the other party, which makes it all the more striking to see them united ! "—L. GILCHRIST THOMPSON, Hayes Rectory, Kent.


I notice that a cargo of more than two and a half million peaches and nectarines has arrived from the Cape. How do cultivators control the growing of these two fruits if it is true, as they say, that the seed of each produces the other ? Darwin quotes a Devonshire case of a peach which bore on the same branch first twelve nectarines ; then twenty-six ; and the next year thirty-six nectarines and eighteen peaches !—J. LEVEY, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C. 2.


In Volume 22 of certain sets of the new edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica there is an article on " Tides," beginning at the foot of page 193 and ending in the first column of page 204. In the list of authors this article is ascribed to me and it is true that it is founded on a MS. prepared by me. But I am not responsible for the article as it is printed, and I should be very grateful if you would allow me to use the columns of the Spectator to say so. I am informed by the publishers that other sets of the Encyclopaedia contain a very different article, of which I do acknowledge authorship.—J. PROCDMAN, Liverpool Observatory and Tidal Institute, The University, Liverpool.


In conjunction with Mr. Lewis Melville, I am writing a book about my great grandfather, Thomas Raikes, the London banker and the friend of Brummell and the RegencY dandies. His Journal was published in 1856-1857 by his daughter Harriet, who also edited her father's correspondence with the first Duke of Wellington. I am desirous to discover the whereabouts of the manuscript of the Journal, and to hear of any letters written by or to him.—Eatc VOLNY RAIKES, late Captain, 22nd Cheshire Regiment, c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Co., 43 Parliament Street, S.W.1.


The address of the National Gramophonic Society, mentioned in our Gramophone Notes of February 8th, is 10a Soho Square, London, W.1.


General Knowledge Question No. 10, in February 8th issue of Spectator. More light—in Tennyson's epitaph on Caxton the words are attributed to' hill-I.—He W. C. GELDART, Roplev Vicaraire. Winchester.