1 MARCH 1930, Page 21


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—In view of the formation of the Economic Council with the object of increasing production and promoting employment, may I be allowed to remind your readers that Industrial Sunday will be observed on April 27th, the Sunday before Labour Day ? It was inaugurated eleven years ago out of the welter of transition following the War. It is an expression 'of the great truth that the chief aim and end of industry is service, and that all engaged therein have equal duties and responsibilities—according to their opportunities and capacity—to one another and to the society of which they form a part.

Two manifestos have been issued in support of the move- ment, the one signed by Labour and Trades Union leaders and the other by prominent employers and business men, asking that " Trades Councils. Trades Unions, Employers' Organizations and other similar bodies will come togethr on that day," and appealing to all Churches and Brother- hoods to co-operate. I shall' be 'happy to forward these

documents to any of your readers wlio care to apply to me for them.

The Archbishop of Canterbury writes : " The desire of employers and representatives of labour who have expressed theroseives_ as supporters of the observance of Industrial Sunday is 'an indication of the 'spirit which ought to govern our industrial relations. They- recognize fully the place of Christian principles, and the Church Ought to show its sym- pathy and its desire to do all that it can to make the rule of Christian principles prevail."—I am, Sir, &c., P. T. R. KIRK, General Director,

Industrial Christian Fellowship. Fellot ;chip Hoarse, 4 The Sanctuary, Wesiminski, S.W .1.