One of the mysteries of the Coal famine is the
difficulty of ascertaining the daily price of coals. An expert informs us that we may always rely on the little quotation given in the Times of Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at the bottom of its produce lists, but the advice seems good only for experts. For instance, in Tuesday's Times Wallsend are quoted at 35s., but on Wednes- day Messrs. Cockerell, the well known dealers in Cornhill, declare that Wallsend at the pit's mouth haye not for a fortnight been less than 30s., while transit to London is estimated by every- body at from 9s. to 10s.; and a coal merchant, whose letter appears just below Messrs. Cockerell's, says Durham Wallsend sold at 44s. leaves no profit. A correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette says, good "deep cobbles" can be obtained at 21s., but we saw a bill for them a few days ago in which they were charged 28s. The public wants before all things a daily list of average wholesale prices in London, with the coal described, not by name, but by first, second, third and fourth quality. Messrs. Cockerell, we note, grumble much at prices, and we suspect, as a " Coal-merchant " hints, that in time of famine the dealer's profit is earned on inferior, rather than on best coals.