1 MARCH 1834, Page 9


Arrived--At Gravesend, Felt. 25th, Ilebe, Currie, from Singapore; 27th, Arabian, :allow ay, from Maturities; Margaret and Aunt, hock; anti Claudine, Keen, from the Cape. At Deal. 25th, 11.C.S. Scaleby Castle, Hillman. from China ; 26th, Rut lye. • Castle, It blends. from Bengal ; and Mary, Booth. from Bombay; 27th, Pristee, I barge, Creed; and Margatet. Johns. from Bengal. OR Dover, 25th, Fittlatt•r, Wed, fret Mauritius. Off the Start, Jean Graham, 'flontipson, front Bengal, At Liverpool. 22 i 1. Baltandan, Pearce, nom Mauritius; aai. II tulth•rstield, from Bombay ; 21th. intoner finder, front ; 25th, Sawncl Brown. 110-ding. from ditto; 26th. Scott, Jame:. from Simri vore ; Cape Bruton, Joh:Amp% trout the Cope ; and Gal:tare, Bully, from Bengal. At St. Helena. Dee. 29th, Lent Hobart. Harrington, for the Cape; 211, Cc: vantes, Hughes, from Mauritius ; 4th, Princess Victoria, Hart; and Joltanna. Patterson. from Bengal ; 5th. Colum- bine, Brown. from the Cape ; 6th, Mary. l'hotapson, front 51:Larkins; 12th, Abel Gower, Smith, from ditto; 13th, Meta, Gaskell. front London; auul 15, Fairy tjileell, Snipe, from Mauritius. At the Cape. Dec. 6th. Rambler, Anderson, from Loudon; 7th, Athol!, Malcolm, from Liverpol ; 12111. Coventry. Pinder. front Loudon; 27til 'lady Ketintawtay, Mouctieff. front lit•ttgal ; Ulysses, Crawfool, from London ; Bolton. Riley ; and Euphrates, littekham. from ditto ; and Brought y Castle. from Leith. At 4'1:ninth's. Nov. 17, Eliza Jane. Findlay ; Emerald, Johnson ; St. llilda, Barnes; Lady Eitzherbert, Ferrier ; 19th, Glenalvon, Brown ; and Emerald. Crawford ; all front Lou- den; :not Arcturus, Oliver, from Bristol ; Dec. 12th, Stirling, Bat rett, from London; .11th, Andrew SI'Kean, Hutchinson ; and Anthony. --, from ditto; and 16114 Albion. Sutherland, front ditto. At Bombay, Oct .7th. 7th. Elora. King. from the Clyde;

9th, G aflame, Lindsay ; and Ilth, Sir E. Paget, Tucker, f bouillon ;12th Grace, Davis ; Claremont, thrown ; Francis, Keath ; and William, 11 uteltinson, all from Liverpool; Co- mala. — , from the Clyde; and Earl Eldon, Theaker. from London. At Madras, ()et. 26th, Eliza, Sutton, from London. At Bengal, Nov. 5th, Alexander, ; 10th, Lord Ilungerford, Farquharson ; Duke of Bedford, Bowen; Loudon. Wimble; all front

London. St. George,Thompsou. from Bristol; Albion, NI'Leoti, and Magnet. M'M' , from Liverpool; and Staff', Miller. from the Clyde. At Singapore. Oct. 6th, Australia, I.obban. floin London; 8th, B.C. Ships. Buckinehainshire, Shea ; and Larkin.. Camp- bell. from ditto. ; 13th, Fairy, Templeton, from Liverpool ; 14th, I I anover. Patton. from • Ow Clyde : and 2St.h, William. Dottie, from Liverpool. At 'Manilla. September 26th, Sapphire, Gross, Irma Liverpool. At China, Aug. loth, Tartar, Bryant, from Liver- peril ; 21th, II. C. S. Duke of Sussex, Whitehead. from Loudon ; Sept. 211, Cabot, 1,aw ; 4111, Minerva. Tishart ; and ii. C. S. Waterloo, Illakley ; IRO ditto. Castle !Nutley, Johnson ;. 19th, Prince Regent, Arlin ; and Farquharson, Cruickshank; .22d. Thomas Grenville, Burnett ; 23d,Thames„ filling; Herefordshire. Ford ; Bombay, Kellaway ; Lady Melville, Shepherd ; 24th. Inglis, Dudraan ; Oct. 21, Kellie. Castle. Patullo; 10th, Warren- Hastings. Santlys; 1211), Vansittart, Scott ; ISth, Lowther Castle, Harris; Mangles. Carr ; Runnymede. Wildridge; and Sarah, —; all from London. Sailed--From Gravesend, Feb. 23a, Carnatic, Biles, fur Bombay ; and Valleylield, ' Saharan', for the Cape; and 26th, Muria, Burton, for ditto.


Arrived—In the Downs, Harriet. Lewis, from Mauritius. At Van Diemen 's Land flat. 9th, Indiana, Webster, from London.