1 MARCH 1834, Page 8

Lord Jolts: liessnta. has appointed, or promised to appoint, Mr.

Glaart, a Tory parson, to the Chaplaincy of Chelsea Hospital, worth five or six hundred a year. Mr. GLEIG first became known as the writer of some clever papers in Blackwood's Magazine; and he has been pretty constantly before the public as a litterateur from that time down to his recent publication of Allen Breck. He is also the friend of the Duke of 1VELLINGTON and the Marquis of LONDONDERRY. It is certainly a rather unfortunate selection for a Whig Minister to make. But what right have people to expect any thing better ? Why should Lord JouiN RUSSELL deviate from the course which his colleagues generally pursue in the bestowal of nearly all their patron- age which is not destined for relations? If party distinctions are ever to be disregarded, it should be in the disposal of Church patronage. Is it not one of the grossest evils of the connexion between Church and State, that men are promoted in the Church on political grounds? In the present instance, too, it should not to be forgotten, that Mr. GLEIG is :Mold campaigner, and therefore well suited to preach to the veterans at Chelsea. This appointment, it is said, will give much dissatisfaction and will not tend to strengthen the hands of Government. Pooh ! For our part, as M. Grew is not promoted to an office for which he is dis- qualified, or one wherein he can do much public mischief, even were he disposed to be mischievous, we are not so indignant us some of the Whig retainers in the purlieus of Whitehall affect to be at "John Rus- sell's Job." It is surmised that Lord Jolts is to have a consider- - a -- tion ; that he will receive an equivalent in another shape, from the Tory dispensers of military patronage at the Horse Guards.