Peron Smith delivered to the (;rand Jury at Trim, on Tuesday last, another political charge in which he referred to the proceedings of the House of (7munnons in his ease. From the sketch given of it by the Dublin correspondent of the Glans we should judge that it is as objec- tionable as any of his previous tirades. liaron Smith has earned from the Government and the Ilouse of Commons, perfect immunity for the most audacious insolenee towards them, mid contempt of judicial deco- rum as regards the public.
A considerable moldier of the Dublin barristers and solicitors, prin- cipally °U tile Orange awl High Tory party, have presented addresses to Baron Smith, highly laudatory of his talents, patriotism, and judicial conduct. A meeting of the citizens has been convoked by the Lord Mayor, in order to give public expression to the same feeling.
A learned Judge led to the hymeneal altar a few days ago his aged cook.— Linn rich Chronicle.
A petition, something like the well-known " Leinster Declaration," in support of the Claims is now in the course of signature in Water- ford, with the(7orporation of which it is understood to have originated. Similar petitions are in contemplation in other parts of the country.
The whole country surrounding, Limerick, within a circuit of fifty miles probably, was in a blaze on Monday night last, at an early hour. The illumination extended through the counties of Limerick, Clare, -Cork, Kerry, and Tipperary, spreading with amaziug rapidity at both sides of the Shannon. The mountains presented a most extraordi- nary spectacle. It is supposed the fires were first kindled in Tipperary for Mr. Sheila acquittal, and the signal was instantly telegraphed and spread through the contiguous counties almost simultaneously. —Lime- rick Chronicle.