1 JUNE 1850, Page 20


BRITISH F IT N D S. (Closing Prices.) &turd. Monday. Tuesday. Tredoses.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced

31 per Cents

Long Annuities Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem

India Bonds, 44 per Cent 57pm. 71 68 71 -- 90 pal,, —

— — 81 81 2071 2061 207

- '269 266 91 96 957 96 961 951 94 851 951 95

97 978 161 97


Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great North of England Great South., and West.

Great Western '-

Hull and Selby Lancashire andYorkshire

Lancaster and Carlisle - London Brighton and South Coast

London and Rockwall London and North-western Midland North British South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York nod North Midland


East and West India London • St. Katherine I ANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 26th day, of May 1860.


Notes issued £21,027,240 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 15,717,367 Saver Bellied 209,877

£29,927,240 A:29,927,240

isalciala D.ISPAILIMLIT.

Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities, (in-

_. Best 3,067,271 emaiiigpead WeightAnnuity1 41940,31707 6:185,

Public Deposite• 7,29.7,063 Other Securities Other Deposits 9,600,436 Notes 10,884,873 Seven Day and other Bills 1,456,875 Gold anti Silver Coin 774,700 £36,672,645 £35,672045 • Including Exchequer, Savings-ltanks,Commissiuners ufNrational Debt, &DividenilAceta.

virti.los. Per oz. I METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard 2:3 17 9 I (topper, British Cakes £86 10 0 .. 0 0 0 Foreign GoldinC,oin,Pagratgal Pince 0 0 0 Iron, Britishliars .... 5 10 0 .. 0 -0 0

New Dollies 0 4 104 Lead, BittlehPig 18 to 0 .. 0 0 0 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 -4 114 Steel, Swedish ]Cog... 14 10 0 .. 16 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Larte,.:tio 31.

Wheat,14.New 38 to10 Rye 22 to 21 ; Maple 141029

Vine 40-41 Barley 18-15i :White .... 23-13 Old 38•.,45 Malting ... 22-24 I Dollen .. 25-28 'White 41-42 3falt, Ord. .. 46-48 Beans, Tien. 21- 26 Fine 42-11 Fine

Super-New. 44 -48 Peas, Hog- 25 -27. Indiantiorn. 20-30


'Wheat ... 389.44. I Rye 21,. Of. Wheat . 46.. 7d. Rye'

Oats 15 3 I Peas Per Qr. (Imperial) of Englund and Wales. For the Week ending May 25.

24 8 Barley 25 0

site' 02 10 DethiS "0 4 16 3 Peas 21s. 4d, 05 6


Butter-Best Irish, 10s. Od. per doz. Callow ul. us. to 01. Ot. per cwt. Eaton, Ash per cwt. 521. to S49.

Cheese, Cheshire • 46 -10 Derby Plain 46 - 54 Halos, York " 60 - 70

Eggs, French, per 120 r.d. to 58.06.



E. d. s. d. *. d.

Beef .. 2 4 to 2 8(030 2 4 to 3 4 to 8 8

Mutton 2 10 - 9 -.3 10 3 6-- 3- 6 4'.0 Veal .. 2 6 - 3 - 4 0 3 0 - 3 10 -- 4 • 2 '-

Pork .. 2 8 - 3 4 - 4 0 3 4 - 3 8 - 4 0 Limb.. 4 0 - 4 8 - 5 0 , 4 8 - 5 0 - 5,41 • TO sink the Mini, per elt: i`

HOPS.,w, `Pt TATOES. , Kent Pockets Ill,. to 130e kork .gentir" per ton 140s. to 160a

Choice ditto 130 -- 206 WisbeekRegents 120 - 130 Sussex ditto 112 - 120 SraOtaLltbds ' 0 0 Farnham ditto 0 - 0 Went& Whites 70 80 a, • HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

Cr nesnaran. • ^ Sttrni FIELD. WIZITECHLPEL•

Hay, Good Inferior 63 - 68 0 - 0 36 - 64

70s. to 75, 48s. to 70s. Ms. to 70..

0- 0 0- 0 0- 0

New- 80 - 86 60 - 90 7'0 - 84

Clover 26 - 28 21 - 28 20 - 26 Wheat Straw GROCERIES.

Tea, Bohm, fine... per lb.' or. li.to Os. aa.

Congou, fine I 4 - 1 6

Sonehong, flue I 3 - 2 4

• In Bond-Duty 24. Id. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per Cwt. 58.. to 105a.

Good Ordinary 39 - 41 Sugar. Muscovado, per cwt 449. 714•

West India Moistens lbr. Od. to 18.. FOREIGN rUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday.Fvetting.) 6 p. Ct. -- ManadunittsiSterling).. .5 p. Ct.

44 - Sii 31exican .,..

21 - --- Michigan.' • 6 -

5 - 874. MissinippftSteding, 6 - 6 - 52 New York (1859) 5

6 - — Ohio 6

3 - 71 P0iineylvania 5 564 Fernvian. 4

851 Portuyine. 5 67f. Ditto. 3 —

Russian. 6 5 -- Spanish 5 42 Ditto a — — Ditto (Panne)

6 - 89 Ditto (Deferred)' 5 ' 92 , Venezuela Active SHARES. ,

(Last Official Quotation during the 'Week aiding Priday Evening.)

Austrian Belgian Ditto Brazilian Buenos Ayres Chillan Danish Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ..21 - Ditto 4 - French 3 -

Ditto .,..6 - Indiana (Sterling)

Illinois Kentucky Loniaana (Sterling) Maryland (Sterling) 108


761 .851 106.

171 37

31 - 311





97 81 207



• -



951 971

71 Ramie- • Austrodainn Britiehliorth American Colonial Conniterelal of London Landau and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Rebind' National Provincial -ProVinelal of ircsand Union of Australia Union of London Shuns-' Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. nintdel Rey)

CobrcOopper'- - MaCauLAxlDorase, Anstridinatitgricialturai. .....

Canada— .. . ... ........

antral Stettin . Pennzularand Oriental Reant..

Royal Mali Steam. Swath Anstralian. .........

411 • 264 124 1







91 2S4

1.4 10

304 SfAt ex n.




41 '1061

g73 112 93 hie 171



82 Oats, Feed . , 16 to 16 The .. 18-17 17-1S 18-19 Pots 18-20 Fine .. 20-21 FLOUR.

Town-made V per sack 37s. to 40,

Seconds 34 - 37 Reek and Suffolk, on board ship 30 - 33 Norfolk and Stockton • 28 - 30

American per barrel 20 23

Canadian 20 23

Bread, 51d. to 61d. the 41b. loaf.



. Friday.'. Monday.

Beasts . 982 3,317' Shoop. 13,4M1 22,850 Capra. 403 .2.7: 190



Rape 011 per cwt. El 16 0 Reined 1 18 0 Linseed Oil 1 9 9 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 9 0 0 Candles, per dozen 4.. 6d. to fis. Sd. Moulds (6d. per doz. discount) 7s. di.

Coals, Hetton 16 3 Tees 16 3