The extent of the late rise in Government Securities offering a tempting Opportunity to realize, several parcels of Stock have changed hands this Week, and arrested any permanent improvement. Some of these were con- nected with the arrangement of accounts for the half-year expiring today. The foreign intelligence has been viewed favourably, particularly the new report on Monde/ of the intended retreat of the Russians beyond the Truth. On the other hand, the probability of changes in our Ministry has been frequently hinted at, and suggested fresh operations for a fall. Money has been in demand in the Stock Exchange at 5 per cent, but is likely to be cheaper next week, on payment of the Dividends. Consols have ranged this week between 931 and 94+; declining 4 on some days, and afterwards recovering to about the same extent. Last evening they closed with a dull appearance, at 94 I. The Funds in Paris have been less buoyant. Advices from that city state that the Government have forbidden all dealings in Russian Stocks, including the new loan. The general tendency of the Continental exchanges has been favourable, and large amounts of gold have been sent to the Bank of England. The Corn- market has been dull. The gold brought by the New York steamer on Monday amounted to 155,0001., and remittances from that country are likely to continue. The arrivals from Sydney and Australia have amounted to about 114,000/. The West India steamer yesterday brought 380,000/. in specie.
Today the Funds are 1 better, and Consols leave off at 931 4 for the Ac- count ; they have ranged between 941 and 93g. Bank Stock is 1 better this week, and Exchequer Bills have improved I. Exchequer Bonds, first series, are I 1, and second series 1 premium.
In Foreign Securities the transactions have been few, and the leading Stocks generally present no alteration. Chilian, Russian Five per Cents, and Sardinian, are 1 better ; Mexican is I lower.
The new Prussian loan will be all subscribed for on the Continent, and chiefly at Berlin. Another attempt is likely to be made to negotiate a Turkish loan in London. The advices from Mexico by the West India steamer were discouraging : the result of Santa Anna's expedition is believed to have been a failure, and to have excited renewed resistance on the part of Alvarez and his followers : 54,000 dollars have arrived from Vera Cruz for the Mexican dividends; besides which, the amount already deposited in the Bank of England is 59,415/. 13s. 5d. Railways have been very buoyant, and a steady improvement has taken place generally. London and North-Western have been much in request, and on Wednesday and Thursday were done as high as 108. Yesterday, the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase-York and North Midland, 4/. ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, and London and North-Western, 31. Ns.; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 3/. ; East Lancashire, Scottish Central, and Scottish Midland, 2/. ; Midland, 1/. 178. Gd. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire. 1/. 15s. ; South-Eastern, 1/. 10s. ; Bristol and Exeter, Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton 1/. ; Caledonian' 15s. ; Chester and Holyhead, Great Western, Aberdeen, and North British, 10s.; South Wales, 5s. Foreign Shares have been little dealt in, and the majority show no al- teration. Namur and Liege have declined 15s. ; and Paris and Strasbourg, 5s. Today the English lines are 10s. lower in several cases. Foreign Shares have not altered.
The English Funds opened h higher this morning, owing to the bullion return by the Bank of England showing the large increase of 760,598/. Consols have since declined, being now 931- ii for the Account. Exchequer i Bills 1 discount 2 premium. In Foreign Stocks the only alteration s in Spanish, which is rather lower; the Threes are now 39 40, and the Deferred 191 t. Railways are a little firmer • the present bargains are these-Great Western, 80; London and North-Western, 107; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 67+; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 221 ; North British, 351.
3 per Veal Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced
31 per Cents
Long Annuities Bank Stock
93 ;
931 4 93' 44 41 206 8 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents 59 Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents
75 80 61 ex d. 89 91 231 41- 67 9 51 3
Exchequer Bills 1 dis. 2 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents ....
40 2 ex d.
India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 98 100 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 3 ex d. Ditto 44 per Cents
83 Sex d.
Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents 39 40 Belgian 44 per Cents 89 91 Ditto Deferred 194 i Milian 6 per Cents 101 4 Sardinian 5 per Cents 85 7 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 8
Notes issued
£27132632 Govermhent Debt Other Securities £11,016,100 2,984,900
Gold Coln and Bullion 13,132,635
Silver Bullion
£27,132,635 Proprietors' Capital
Bas KING DEPARTMENT. S14,653,000 Government Securities (in-
3,25-2,553 cludi1 gDead WeightAnnuityl
Public Deposits'
4,032,805 Othe Securities 15,584,007 Other Deposits 10,114,383 Notes 7,618,100 Seven Day and. otherBilis 968,286 Gold and Silver Coin 737,314 F.33,690,997
• Including Exchequer, Savings1-2:624',9g7ommissioners ofNational Debt, & DIvnieLd Acct.
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending On
Saturday, the 24th day of June 1854. mom DTP ARTICENT•