1 JULY 1848, Page 12



Business has been a little brisker during the past week; and though not extensive, the operations in the English Funds have been mom important than for some time. The gloom thrown upon the market by the disastrous event! in Paris was completely dissipated with the intelligence mowed on Monday m when it became apparent that though then subsisting the insurrection 721 ultimately. be put down. The price of Consols and other English Stocks began then to rise; and the improvement has since continued, until in the course of today Consols for Account had reached 811, being an advance of I per cent upon the closing quotations of last week. A trifling reaction occurred just preVIODSly to the close of business, and the last price is 831 4. Money continues very abundant; the rate of commercial discount ranging from 2/ to 3 per cent The flank Broker has purchased occasionally; but his investments have been chiefly confined to Terminable Annuities. A sale of 50,000/. Three per Cents Reduced occurred on Wednesday, said to be on account of one of the principal Imerance Companies: but the aggregate effect of the small investments has counteracted that of the More important single operation. The business of the Foreign Market affords scarcely any scope for remark; prices for the most part being nearly as last week. The firmness of the English -Ponds has tended to give a slightly increased currency to the better class of Dividend-paying Stocks. Portuguese Bonds are rather firmer; the Four per Cents, which on Monday were done as low as 15, having today reached 17. This latter improvement is occasioned by the announcement of the repayment of the loan made to the Government by Messrs. Baring and Co. at the end of 1846, in order to the payment of the dividend which became due in January 1847, and which was the last dividend paid. Mexican are without any change of import-

ance. An announcement from the Secretary of the London and North-western Railway

Company appeared on Monday, contradicting the report that the Directors of that Company were about to issue Preference Shares. This gave an im- mediate upward impulse to these particular Shares; which has since been sus- tained, until the highest price of today is between 41. and 51. above the lowest of Saturday. Midland have risen in about the same proportion; and for the last two days have fluctuated from par to 1 premium Great Western have advanced between 2/. and 34 and are still at a discount; the price being 861. per Share, upon which 901. is paid. The minor class of Shares are all slightly higher, while the Preference Shares, now in course of issue by several of the Companies, are all at a small premium. The French Shares continue depressed in the almost total absence of business.

The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 24th June, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results-

BASSIN.) DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

£303,781 Las! week.

14,169,427 17,377,495


The statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer last night has created con- siderable surprise. It was generally expected that the Government would be forced into the market as borrowers of money in some shape or other, and upon this assumption many speculations for the fall have been entered into. The pro- ceedings of last night destroy every anticipation of that kind, and hence at the opening of the market an anxious and general disposition to purchase was evinced. The first price of Consols for Account was 841, and the quotation, which speedily reached 841, is now 841 1. The Foreign Funds are all nominally higher; the only business occurring, however, is in Mexican, which are quoted at 161. The Rail- way Shares are also generally firmer- the following are the principal bargains oc- curnng: Caledonian, 301 1; Eastern Counties, 141; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 44; Great Western.'87; Lancashire and Yorkshire, Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 21; Brighton, 311 1; North-western, 121; Midland, 101 2; South Devon, 451. paid, 15; York, Newcastle, and Berwick; 32; Ditto, Extension, No. 2, 111; Snare and Meuse, 24.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock

shut 841 4 844 4 35 i ' 84 4 189 191

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 New Grenada Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 42 3 ex d. 644 54 164 17 12 13 16 17 Exchequer Bills 28 40 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 62 5 India Stock shut Ruktan 5 per Cents 90 92 Brazilian 5 per Cents 64 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 214 ex d.

Belgian 44 per Cents

57 60 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 114 12 Buenos Ayres 20 2 Venezuela

14 ii

ChIllan 6 per Cents 798!

es £3,981 Public Deposits 689,263 Other Deposits • Seven-day and other Bills 61 - Government Securities, Including Dead-welght.. 322,129 Other Securities 80,326 132,280 151,440 Total Bullion in both Departments Actual Circulation Notes unissued Actual Circulation


Notes issued Bullion 183,720 138,387 This week. 14,337,814 17,528,935