The Money-market has been in a quiet state until the last day or two. In the early part of the week, Consols for Account were done at 941, being an ad- vance of* per cent upon the closing price of Saturday. A large sale of Re- duced Three-and-a-half per Cents on account of the estate of a very wealthy individual lately deceased, produced a depression in the market; and that ten- dency was further increased yesterday morning, by sales of speculators who had received an express from Paris bringing unfavourable intelligence from Spain, and advice of a fall in the French Funds on Wednesday : the market has since rallied again, in consequence of the failure of a speculator, who was operating for the fall, and by the occurrence of whose insolvency the jobbers have been compelled to repurchase about 250,000/. Consols which he had sold for Account, and which he will not, of course, deliver. Under the demand thus occasioned, Consols for Account which had yesterday been at 931, rose to 941, and after some fluctuation, close this afternoon at 94 The intelligence from the United States received yesterday, by which we learn the sympathy of the Irish inhabitants of America with the present agita- tion for the Repeal of the Union, and the fact of a subscription of 5,000 dol- lars, or about 1,0004 having been sent from thence to swell the Repeal rent,
caused a very uneasy feeling n the Money-market, and increased the tendency to decline produced by the intelligence received from France. The Three- and-a-half per Cent Stocks have been well supported, notwithstanding the weight of Stock thrown upon the market by the sales above noticed. The highest quotation during the week was 1011, and the lowest today has been 1011; so that this Stock has not fallen in a greater proportion than Consols. Exchequer Bills have been steady, nearly at our last prices, for some days. Money has been in demand in the Stock Exchange; and today 4 per cent was given for loans for short periods. This demand cannot long continue, as the payment of the Dividends will take place on Saturday or Monday next, when money will of course be more abundant than ever. The rate of com- mercial discount for first-rate bills of long dates is, however, only about 2 per cent. Money business will recommence in all the Stocks, the books of Which are now closed for the Dividends, on the 6th July (Thursday next.) The business of the Foreign Market has been almost entirely confined to Spanish Active ; which improved when the intelligence was received of the dr- parture of the Regent from the capital, and of the good disposition of the troops Caere. On Tuesday the price of the Three per Cents reached 281 apd,k.Vt, the Active 191. The Three per Cents declined in the course of lyeStstdarl to 27, when the intelligence brought by the express from Parts was promulgated; but rallied again in the afternoon, and were well supported this morning and through the day, in consequence of the scarcity of Stock, occasioned partly by the failure of the speculator just mentioned, who had sold 100,000/. Stock ullich he was unable to deliver, and partly by the circumstance of the payment of the Dividend tomorrow, which has induced many people to hold in anticipation of an improvement when 11 per cent dividend is deducted from the current quo- tation. The price today has been as high as 27/, and closes at 261 27. The Five per Cents Active have been but slightly affected, and close at 181 19. The other Foreign Bonds are without material variation ; neither has any business occurred in them of importance. Some remark was occasioned in the Foreign Market by the delivery in the course of the settlement of the half- monthly account today of Dutch Five per Cent Bonds, bearing date only 23d instant. No recent vote of the Chamber has authorized any new issue of Five per Cents ; but it is understood that these Bonds have been put into circulation in consequence of some financial arrangement between the Dutch Govern- ment and an eminent London mercantile house. The business transacted in Railway Shares has not been extensive. A fair demand may generally be noted for almost every description of this security. In many cases, the speculators, who have sold shares in anticipation of a fall, find great difficulty in delivering them ; and the appearance of the market is more healthy than it has been for some time.
The English Funds opened heavily ; the first quotation of Consols for Ac- count being 931, since which, the price has reached 931; but the market has given way and the quotation is now 93i 4.. There appears to be a general dis- position to sell, though we cannot quote any extensive operation. Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents have given way to 1011. Exchequer Bills are the same.
In the Foreign Market, scarcely any sign of business appears, and prices are, with few exceptions, the same as yesterday. Dutch Two-and-a-half, Portu- guese New Stock, and Spanish Three per Cents, are quoted without the divi- dend; the only variation in price is in the latter, which closed at 261 27, and are today 25A ex div., equivalent to a quotation with dividend of 261 1.
The following transactions have occurred in Shares. Santiago de Cuba Mines, 221. Railways—Eastern Counties, Scrip, 10/ 11; Great Western,
91; Hull and Selby. 41/ 42; Greenwich, 4*; Croydon, 101; Paris and Or- leans, 26i; South-eastern and Dover, 231; Ditto Scrip, 24-A 231. The general appearance of these securities is not so firm as yesterday. There is is greater disposition to sell, and the South-eastern and Dover particularly are generally offered at the reduction of 10s. upon yesterday's prices. SATUFD SY, Two o'cLocx.
The English Money-market closes more firmly than in the morning: Consols for Account, after having been done at 931, speedily rallied to 931 1, and at the close of business there were buyers at 93/.
In the Foreign Market, business has been almost entirely confined to
Spanish Stock ; which at one period of the day experienced a severe depression, the Three per Cents having fallen to 241; but as large purchases have since been made by speculators connected with the pigeon-expresses, the price has re- covered, and closes at 251 1. The other Foreign Funds are without variation.
We have to notice the following transactions in Railway Shares, in addition to those given in the morning—Birmingham and Derby, Thirds, 121; South- western, 641; Northern and Eastern, Quarters, 21; York and North Midland, New, 41i 2.
3 per Cent Consols shot 1 Milian Deferred 95 6 Ditto for Account 93. I Colombian 6 per Cents,1824. 23 +
3 per Cent Reduced 941 4 Danmh Spec Cents 85 6 31 per Cent Ditto.
101 4 Dutch 21 per Cents 534 New 31 per Cents .. shut Ditto 5 per Cents ...... 100
Rank Stock for Account 179 81 Mexican 5 per Cents Coned . 281 + Exchequer Bills 48 56 Portuguese New Sp. Cts.1841 391 90 exit 154ht Stock 113 14 shut Russian 5 t er Cents
Brazilian 5 per Cents 71 3 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 254 + Belgian 8 per Cents Chinon 6 per Cents . 92 94
1021 31 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 184