1 JANUARY 1842, Page 2

4 F 4 I N S i --1 84 2. V, I



China cee.ses of the British, 2631. Africa-The Niger Expedition. 50, 65.74. 81, 82, 98. 104. 514, 632, 825. 850, 1034. 1041. 1136, 1232. ' America - President's message to Con-

gress, 2. 7 ; proceedings, 7. 49. 54, 81, 130, 154, 226, 297, 318, 386, 486, 633, 698, 705, 817, 889, S95.1397, 920. Cor- respondence from New York, 82. 895, 990. Repudiation of State Debts. 154, 226. Arrest of liogan, 320. Lord Ashburton's negotiatioos, 438, 4S7, 578, 587, 781, 794, 803; 11411anlarr "1"""Y.- 826, 889, 995, 914. 937. 944, 961,96

The new Tariff, 913, 937. Presideurs Message, IMO. 1059.1085.1178,1227. "Trial by Jury " 1

c Proceeediogs, 246, 562. 755. 850.

, lag. 434, 440, 659. 969. 1016. 101t2, 1088. I

I uniphe of the Britieh. and Treaty of I loos. soli , cosece. 1119, 1130, 1177. 11W. 1206. ',•'• • " e 4. -31tCorking : ,.., -"at „ -Canada- State of. 179. State :I .. !rWS,,,,47ditissga,,,ien.4 C'tutf64. 1 I aand9m011, a I larlt. 842, 962, 9691111.5. '0111:Olug • -.301.,,b,, so, Wag* s _1250. Common 1063. "; lir 11 V9000 •• 26Y, 41.10.90re• 1, • Oxman eke-Cons ta6. h 11.... In 8 • - 5g4.811., 610. 630, 657, 704. r4iigo3.1:Lfif4lattr:."Wi7;;-47arat-4..."19iieri. is°°91: t.7.,,b"Ainisci",.;*'241"..;.,g-131,4n/-117884. 53276. IN13. 1090. illness of Sir C. Ilas . .731001:1112734: 1230. 1255. Cape or Good Ilope-Na al ' a too.: rlffil, 1 80. 1204, 1229. Court. taken by British troop.. RM. e90, 89O. -martial on Caltain Nicolas of the Yin-

899. 914, 918. 921, 1033. 1040, 1110. dictive. 179. 214. Murders, 272, 196,

lion i eeks. 1110. India - Insurrec- tion in Cobol, 146, 152. 218, 225, 562; murder or Sir aV. M• Naghten, and de. struetion of I: British Army. 242. 248, 338, 345. 924, 439; defeat of Akhbar 6.1.n, 459. 554, 561; the Khyber Pass forced. 554. 561. 6581 state of affairs. 439. 746. 75.4; evacuation or Glitizitee, b. ,564. 560, 659; successes of the 'lliti, 1'rance-0, ening of the Chambers, 1,5, 8; Proceedings, 54, 55. 80, 82. 93, 103, 105, 119, 219, 395, 482, 485, 530.6311, 586. Terrible accident on the Versailles railway, 458. 463, 485. New duty on linens 625, 632. Death of the Duke or Orleans, 674, 682, 693,1;04, 707, 751. Commercial treaty with Belgium. 705. °petting of the Chambers, 722.731,746, 790. 794; Regency, 794, 802, 817, 825, 842, 848; address, 802; closing, 842, 8-11. British right of search, 1017. The Slave-trade treaty, 1105, 1109, 1207. The Marquesas taken possession of, 1225, 1232. .A Privy Council histituteds 1253. Hareburg-Go•e• 465, 485, 513, 632 Pero :1-0Peniust ocfharvinit,...t.ertei14., 15719,, p2;.30.. cianittlin °Eirange of Miutstry, 179. ,,,,,--Weletged the Cortes, 705 'Prussia..-Assernbly of the UnitedCOM- mittees of the Prosinces, 1033, 1040, 1062, 1089.

Russia-Victories of the Circassian., 6, 81, 297,705. Impodant Ukases, 159, 440.

Servia - 11ev lotion in, 946, 947, 1009. 1016, 1089.

Spain- Dispute with the French itmbas• sailor. 6. 49. 54, 73, 81, 227. Proceed. iugs,of•the Certea, 25 30,82, 130, 705. Loreto.' • for another Insurrection. 153, 170, 178. 203.W2. 587. New ministry, 562. 611. 1136. Revolt at Burcelena, 1116, 1154, 1158, 1159.1178, 1184. 1185, 1201, 1297, 1225, 1231, 1932, 103; con- duct of the French Consul, 1249,

St. Dimino-Fearful earthquake, • 587, 612.432.

Texas-Letter from an Euglialt traveller

iu, 217L Mexican iuvaslon 01, 394, 1064. Turivers•State of Sy ria, 6.650, 10 6. I IOC ;

Tian. 1110. 1184. War with Persia,

993, 946. Lord Ponaosiby on slavery in, - 971. Rupture with Russia, 1932,


Baitkru of the Priem, of Wales,74, 99, 93. assassinate the ()urea. 535, 563. An. . Fancy Ilan. 913. 462. Attempt Aim attack ou the Queen. 644, 660.

fisit of the Queen tu Weimer, 1087,1106, - 1133 1154 1178.

schoquer Bills fraud, 5. 8. 29, 88. Au. '-Corn law meetings. 26. 50, 100, 151,

,20l.223. 413, 703.1106,1154,12.6. layitig of the first stone of the New lbs al Exchange. 74. Howard c. Gus. "It, 76,1178. Income-we and Tariff etings, 195. 314, 343.0,9092. 679. S'iurtlet at Reehamplon,*134 869., 4. t, 464,483, 512. Bralutree brit . (MC 6.58 ; distresses of tbe tom iii Ce4tul.,.2 849; advance htri .4.,' dolt. -962, 9/.5, 97Z 1082. 1087; D1- umpha of the British-foil of Cabal and filtusitee, 1129, 1132. 1177, 1182; Lard ligeo_bormutli's moclanuatiOD, 1163, te ease. 438, hlar. or of a le/license-AA: 60916jr.""u" 11"114e.Y' 434' • Elections. 436; 'Mr. %chuck's Inquire.

Trial of 1. r satening

at the ,20( ibe 441, 461, 466, 533, 563, 569, 6'29, 722 ;


1.f etropol ita n Auti.Cora-law Associal ion , 630, 656. 680, 701, 729, 750, 798, 819. Terrific thanderetorm, 729. interviews of delegate, fr m mauttfactariug towns , with the Ministers, 731. Final decision of Lady Bewley's charity case, 751. Decision of the House of Lords on the Auchterarder case, 778. Proceedings of the Londen hartists, 798. 819. 820, 845, 866. Entry of wheat under the new duty, 802. Trial of Bean for assaulting the Queen, 819. Effeets of the tariff and new Cortolam, 9)8, 921, 943, 964, 1013. 3039. Death of the Marquis of Wells/key. 942; of Sir M. 011,ogillen, 943. !Refusal of 'Cs Martiueau to re- eeplaints against the British North Awe. ive a p ueusio, BR% 1059.1109. COM- logs on the awe t orrelaso. lucemetax. and Tariff; 24, :4, 315..319, 343. 870,,

393. 913, 028, Complete Suffrage Conference at tirminghtom. 344, 570.

oilers of Dudley, 414, Riots by the rth Wales, 414. British 416,404; in i the Advancement of Association rican Associatiou for Ismeration, 1035, . Message, IMO. 1059.1085.1178,1227. "Trial by Jury " 1

dinner, 1cre.3. Dreadful thirsted} .1 1111. Charg s agaiust a melt le, by Mr. Goulbeuru pear'11,11, ti- , cosece. 1119, 1130, 1177. 11W. 1206. ',•'• • " e 4. -31tCorking : ,.., -"at „ -Canada- State of. 179. State :I .. !rWS,,,,47ditissga,,,ien.4 C'tutf64. 1 I aand9m011, a I larlt. 842, 962, 9691111.5. '0111:Olug • -.301.,,b,, so, Wag* s _1250. Common 1063. "; lir 11 V9000 •• 26Y, 41.10.90re• 1, • Oxman eke-Cons ta6. h 11.... In 8 • - 5g4.811., 610. 630, 657, 704. r4iigo3.1:Lfif4lattr:."Wi7;;-47arat-4..."19iieri. is°°91: t.7.,,b"Ainisci",.;*'241"..;.,g-131,4n/-117884. 53276. IN13. 1090. illness of Sir C. Ilas . .731001:1112734: 1230. 1255. Cape or Good Ilope-Na al ' a too.: rlffil, 1 80. 1204, 1229. Court. taken by British troop.. RM. e90, 89O. -martial on Caltain Nicolas of the Yin-

899. 914, 918. 921, 1033. 1040, 1110. dictive. 179. 214. Murders, 272, 196, 344, 370. 752, ' 9S,6, 1156. 1252. Meet-


()penises of the Session, 122.

Address. the. 122. Admildsitation of J its • 10e. 214 Afli.mMitko.8111. eel. A rti. Zone, E9111.1rathei.IIIM.1 Anatomy, 654. 'Balla. COI. Bankruptcy, 755. 773. lioud.

ed Corn, 608. /00, 749; release of. 6a2.

Americau. 583. Bribery at

60916jr.""u" 11"114e.Y' 434' • Elections. 436; 'Mr. %chuck's Inquire. at the ,20( ibe 441, 461, 466, 533, 563, 569, 6'29, 722 ;

Science, 609, I. Royal Agricultural

Society, 681. ollicis and bloodshed iu 7 The lhanufactaftic#iotrinta of die north; 803, 821, 827. 1145, E631,,' 7871:-?Z: 916, 940; trials or rioters, 501,867. 891, 964, 971, 987, 992, 1011, 1037. Meetiugs of thy; 6:4o';•‘.le.,.. cotr.,;“..Pfr,-.102.er, 1164. 1090, 1111, 1233. Great fire at Liverpool. 921 940, 966, 1012. 1061. Meetings tit Agricultural Societies, 9139, 987, 1010, 1036, 1134. 1179, 1203, 1228, 1251. Correspondence between the An. ti Coro-law League and the Duke of Cleveland, 963. Free trade festival at Liverpool, 1134. Meetings of Consem,. waive Associations, 1155, 1184, 1228 Effect of the China peace ou trade. 1183, 1231. League-fund, 1204. Puseyrte Mo- nastery at Littlemore, 1204. Suffrage 1 . Conference at Birmingham, 1251. Anti- toni•law Afeetiug at Wolverliamptou, E52.


FIR,/ 244. 1.01.2, 1061426r Dis- tress in 'Paisley, 4,19, 03,; ffld., 1108, 1157. 1230. Atei.Corn-law meetings, V. 78. 180, 912. 1205. Distress, 128, 485, 1230. Meetings on the 'tariff and Iucome-tax„ 318, 319, 345, 371. Pro- ceedings of the General Assembly, 485, 512, 537. Collier strike near Glasgow 753, 777, 802, 824, 84e, 924, 967. Visit of the Queen, 509, 847, 950, 869, 892, 917, 946. '• Social meeting" Arlie Edinburgh Complete Suffrage Culon; 967. Death of Mr. Robertson, 1103. Convocation of Noniatrusiunist clersy. men, 1156, 1205. Meeting tit Glasgow to promote the League.fund, 1205. Pro- posed enlargement of Dundee harbour, 1206. Complaints of Glasgow ?der- chauts agaiust the American Tariff, 1212.


Decision respecting Presbyterian mar- riages. 51, 102. Murders, 224,248, 296, 512", 753, 779, 824, 1156, 1181, 1229. Agrarian outrages. 494. Food riots at Ennis, 560, 563,584, 610. (81. Special Commission for Tipperary, 585, 659. Provision riots at Galway, 596. Mr. Smith's appoilltment as Solicitor-Gene. .1 947, 863, 892, 1061. The Pilut am IVOOdslic,1 at a levy of poor-rates. 1 lao Outrages in Tipperart. 1181. 1205. R. eistanee to poor-rates. 1205. The DoblasallgsgottAbe 31rtttpChneiele'•p _ mea

and temts_y. 1229. Mr. O'Coo- Hell on the Pen-law, 1252. Accident at Galway, L32.

Income tax, 250, 266.'274, 328, 346, 362, 389, 395, 410, 415, 434, 441, 459. 531, 579, 598, 602, 773. letlia-Slavery in. 756; War in, 223, 412,534,606,674, 752, 773. Insolvent Debtors, 749. Ireland - Admiuistratiou of Justice in, 779 • Doe tress in, 629; Education in, 241; Go- vernment of, 698; Minister's Money in 650; Outrages in. Tipperarve 4610„. 533; Ribondhm and ties in. 3i7./47, 755: 'Irikh Vigistraiy, 462. 608; Pharr' law, 176, 627; Spirit duties. 411. Jerusalem, Bishop or, 295. Judicial Re. ...,ojegations, 148, 154, i76. 363. Law ,,f Eviilen&;124hr itelo"rau-t"s; 702, 772. Local Cootie, 200, 219. Lu- nacy, Law of, 247, 270. Magistracy, Political additions to the, 372, 457. Marriages Prohibited, 245, 269. Maynooth, Grant to, 628, 693. Mines and Collieries bill, 462, 554, 604, 633, 653, 678, 726, 773. Ministers, In- terviews with, 7n7.

Naval Monuments. 773. Navy. Admiu• istration of the, 293. Newfoundland,

Coustitutio I of, 510, 747. 774. New South Wales. Goverument 01.510. Ne Zealand maritime survey. 412. Opiumisumpeomahos 27o.

Pariah Constables, 411. Parochial assess- meet, 51.0. Peutonville prhoo..4-11. Petntaa.0se, 434.

s:g_it Ott, 347 dn. Petitions, MI-

tesstion or. 100. s3ipstaiirq froldr, the,

4291.- Poland, 627. Police interference at public meetings. 725. 746. 772. Poor-Laws, 150, 200. 170, 460, 603, 612, 626,6711, 701, 706, 725, 732. Portendie claims, 797. Port-wine duty.755. Pres. byteritta Marriages in Ireland, 200, =2, 247, 270, 774. Prison discipline. 220.

Prisoners Pleading. 583. Privilege. 176. :194. Public Exhibitions, 67,1; llemonstrancrs. 773. Public.houses,534, Quarantine, 271. Queen, the, Attempted Assassivatiou of, 5'30; another attack on, 650; security to the person of, 674, 683, Railways, 149, 222, 510. 534. 605, 679. Remission of punishment, 772. Re- trospect of the Session, 769, 774, lislford Gaol. Polemics of, 270. Sal logs Pinks, 653. • Seutlaud„ Church of, 582, 533, 612; Nonintrution, 293, 268; Pat- roua,p• bill, 437; Liabilities of as ithesses 592i Poor-Law, 588; Supooue Court or, 411. Silver Coinage, 623, Slave. Trade, 70, 757; Treaty, 200, South Australia, OA. Spain, 176, 200, 227, 271. St. Mareleboue Parish bill, 271. Stad e.du ti es, fio2. Sud hely, disfrau - chisernent of, 464. 633, 6.s, 653. 732. sasrage, c.0.00. :al. Sugar duties. 538. Supply, 903,674. 633, 699, 723, 732. Syria, etate of. R.I. Tariff, the, 435, 46'7, 606, 512, 556, 563 579, 695. 659. 430. remake, anil Re

United States-Case of the Creole, 1,

1.18rrarta.4"--16"."664111e,:4h..0 • Warner', (Captaitt) Inset:Bun, 603, 760, Wert Indies:MI, 934. Prorogatioa • 776.

thnaprorpive Committees, QS, C5e. -II:via/sea 191, 205, 611.

Papers, 1511, 104, 462. 706. 794, 796.


Atkel tigementa, 1845.

:Mir or Hau air,

Ainsworth s Engli.11 Dictionary, Alice Lowe. 1013.

Allegory (Nottingham Celebratie! , StS, 563, 653, All Work and No Ploy, 1020; Too Much

47, 48'3, 514, Work, Too Little Enjoyment. 1013. 3; Frustration Anti-Corn-law Contereuce, the, 6135.

77t; Pre. April, the First ef, 322. 70., 746, 755. Arneceracy, Laudation of the, 1115.

M -. 3.6. 362. Auckland's (Lord) Return: Es official

r. Itoebuok, 724 . Whig !danceatres, 829.

lls. 168. Cape of Augurs.. Rationality. and Practical rtillts

2; Preprity. Authors. Hints to, 973. Is tidal haa./p- Bedchamber War, the, 51

peueigi hat, ! Beggars, 1211. Dotted to the, ' Bellamy's (Mr.') Resignation. 257.

• 904. 141, liwitheck (Dr.). Monameut to the late, IRE 170, 419.

• 4, 3:19. OWL the proye or. 1067. ; The NeN BrIbers• Bill, 564. al Itialast 5S2, ; Romaeses Moral of the. 973-

5ret Brallimage510414411 (n) Come to Justice, " •

litiek;ughatii (Duke 'bra amaal to Calling Names conside, : a, 'ci Burnes, Sir Alexander, , 5s.

Cauada anti Corn, 1114.

the-So Much fur Beautlo&nt..491.

Fine Arts, lila.

Chimney •Sweep., the, s • Chitia--.ThoOosen ; New Attic

for Heroes, ; realtst_so SO and Settle, 590; 13bioa. stiff 'Progress of the Opium War, 1043; 'A *11t Mar' Words about, 1092; 'rise Tortty wet- • 1138; Geography of the Deisrp'snei • 1139; Chinese Trade, Sue.'! st the! me.tic, 1161; A Good Use to • our Positiou in China.

Classes, 853, 875. Commerce, Treaties of : A astris . Commercial Credit, 83

Consular Behan': Profes.ioual Edam IMO. 2n; Education fur Consuls an.1 Diplomatic. A,g.mte: the Londoa D.. • versity, 490. Coapineyriug,liainoefutDeustigau04....rs 235; Donea•de esasantmeatiedal.lo 17 .680iserre. ,stotial thellardette. .24a Vireo-. Coro laws, the. 158; the New awl th Old scale. 240; can You Con plreu ? 7 feel quite Comfortable. 200 Vs hat it matters to the Farmer. 949 Coru.law Reettal :--st Landlord's ear Considered, 1258,

Daniel Good, 419.

Dee3rums of High Life, 6e7.

patch of Business," 1210.

vita Dust, 256.

Diplomatic Staff, the - An Economica! Suggestion, 663. Distress-A. New Periodical, 759. Dublin Electieu, the Mural of the, 133.

Dying of • Tlionsaud Good Symptom. , 490.

Isto hquake, the, 237.

I oda. Election Committees. ParlieMeotarysiM, English Law and Election Committe.. Prac ice, 4.10.

Election-Petition,: Mr. Boebuck's hi, thou. 469; Select Conamiiteeou Eleetit Proceediugs, 637.

Electrical Progression, 950, Execetieo Government, Organlaatiou c,


Extremes Meet, 9;6.

Finality, 1193.

Foreign Courts, IttOneuee of, 1253. France, Abatement oh the War-fever I. Free-Trade Advocates-Follow the Let drul 11.

Preach Press,the, 12 ; Conquests ir, A'rir , ta; Affeirs. Aspect of-Death of t Duke of Orleans, 707.

Fuueral Procemioes, Meditation on, 33, Gentility, Dilemmas of, 12136.

Gold Coinage, the. 5*.

Good Tune, the, 6a.

He. al ry, Douhtlai Pau:* in, 109; To Poetry of„ 769. Holland -A Out-la Kins'a Speech, 10In Hoops, 1045.

Hospitelity of Whaled Caetle and oe Mansioahouee, IV •,

House of Commune. blobjectv for Paiutite- in the. 278.

•• Hot Eldt•r Wine," Ohs.

How to Si ,vØ the tholiptay. 1168. Hunch:Act.., lite, eel.

Iguormier e saterfased.. as Crime and ',- warded a oft ritelettmeat 1259 so: a ,111„,„.44:44,..., ii.,44.00oev; Au( stija,dlubiixogseP01;',, - ; 3301 8111 n' larfam ;lue114"141-flUi•ta'xiv.iSuAEttegympil l'abrityft aa OarSaw. olib; T19 !' rah. 994 A Core for Ltiaur I •■• remitter of the ,t,4niedge, 52. • • 11/6;gi'ilett:Ms34, 494;3; 8°ThientWi°a'r cit. '1 1, 555; IVIrig Policy in, 63; d Value of Lord Patmerston (,,siminerce,'• 6sti ; T • -.0, 4;iatbellA4eg;liatitar, uAn'tikkwralti. "-two I V/92Ta: ! Useful E lEntiPt loT


iin„ 1113; The Indian Government and the Opium-trade. 1210. Irish Jebhing, 5E5; Lord Eliot and the Irish Jobbers. 509. Laudlords and Farmers. 86. Law Reform. 157; Local Courts. 207; Appellate Jurisdiction of the Peers and ' the Pricy Council, 228.

Legal Barbarism. 1211. " Liberal" Party, Christmas Compliments to the, 1257. ! Lord Chancellor, Office of : Political

1 Judges, 1066,

Lynch Law in the Strand. 1235. Marriages of Affinity. 253. Meditatious on Marriage Announcements in recent Newspapers, 374.

Meddling. 159. Melbourne's (Lord) Reply to the Derby and MelbourueAddresses-Etourderie- Persiflage- Gobemoucherie, 10.

Men of Pleasure. 663.

Misery aml Discontent, 9.13.

Movement. the. 418.

Medic. Mr. Robert. 789, Nutioual Petition, the. 442; Mr. Macaulay on : "Methinks the Lady doth pretest t es much," 443.

Nautical Metaphor, 876. Naval Promotion, Note on the late, 58; and other Promotions, 299.

Negroes. Civilization of the, 1049. New Plays of the Passions-Terror, 806. New-Year's Day, 10. Niger Expedition, the - "Cain. Cain, whet e is thy Brother ? ' 1e8; The Niger Association, 614.

North-West Passage, the. 183.

Palmerston and Scoble. 1019.

Parliament, the Rising of- Great Relief, 782.

Party-Men and No-Party-Men, 1066. Party-Spirit, 901.

Peace through Peel. 1187.

Peel. Sir Robert-The Minister and the Meeting of Parliament. 107; Sir R. Peel's Scheme of Finance. 275; The New Tariff, and Sir It. Peel's Financial Statements. Supplement to theSpectator of 19th March ; Amended Tariff, 372. Pension-List, the New. 228.

1 Petitions. Conventions. &c., 207.


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een s Visit to Scotlaud, the - Royal Pregresses, 806; Work for the Queen's Champions. 806; Scotch Gossip about the Royal Visit, 89; After the Royal Tour, 830; Sentimental Use of Gun- powder, 925; Lucas a non Lucendo, 925. 947.

Railways. French and English, 13; Igslis Fetters. 518.

Recess, Studies for the, 744.

Rent, and the Effect a Corn-law has upon it, 37; Rationale of, 58.

Rheumatism, 230.

Right of Search Treaties and their Con- sequences. 972.

ItiverNavigatirn, International Law of, 993.

Royal Studies 816.

Royalty. Disagreeablee of, 183. • Rural Amusements, 687,

Rural Police. 299; the Old Parish Con- stables and Re., Waal Police. 360.

Sabbath Profanation, the Law of, 208.

Scotland, Progress of Religion in, 108; Awful Doings in, 229; Poor-Law Re- form for. 1181; Poor-law of, 1259.

Scotch Judges, 182; Sheriff.Coutts : Fees to Judges, 208; Judges and Witnesses, 589.

Septembe the First of, 854.

Sernentin Anglers and Magazine Wits, 876.

Smoke, 65.

MIL theties. a Chapter in, 499.

me u Eud where Other Men Begin,

. - r ? .

I I II, Queen of, Troubles of the, 1066.

tuish Prospects. 1234.

ortiug Intelligence, 12. mwlwrry Hill, 324. riff, the New, 275. 372; Supplement to

Spectator of 19th March.

-than Fever, the, 949.

' axes upon Travellers, 925, 949;936. eetotaller, the Triple Crowned, 134.

'ed Tools, 492.

urkey. Disputes with, respecting the Go- . verurneut of Syria-Sumo Unique, 734. - nhelief. the Credulity of, 1212. Troy. 375; The American Treaty and the War-tactiou, 923; American State Stocks, 924; Progress of the English War.faction. 948; Dilemmas and Con. Mesita:is of the War-faction, 973; Mr. Wyld's Settlement of the North-eastern Boundary, 934. Van Amburgh's (Mr.) Public Entry.1183. Vyvyan. Sir Richard-A County Member of the Old School, 613.

War in Disguise, 1113. Winter, S mptoms of Returning, 995, Wit Passages, 614.


Navigation of the luaus. 154; State of Political Parties at Whitsuntide. 4111; Glasjow Argus on the Reform Party. 750; Court aud Fashionable Intelligence Extraordinaty, 756; Times on our Chi. "Se laurels, 757: Blackwood's Maga- zine-A C; nservative View of the Posi- tion of the Present Ministry, 757; Times ou further Reform of the Corn loam. 917; Income-tax- gross mismanagement of 11.0 details. 946; Pews in Churches, 991 ; Attacks on the Spectator fur a Review of Colonel Thompson's Works. 1041 ; Utter from the Author of the Attacks, and Notes by the Editor. 1063; Attacks on Mr. Hughes for Charges against Naval Officers on the Coast of Africa. 1062; New Bankruptcy and Lunacy Commissioners, 1086. 1111; The Spectator and the Canada Corn Question, 1135, 1137; The Chronicle's attacks on Lord Ellenborough, 1183; Rumoured alteration in the Corwlwas, 1184; Leadership of the Lords, 1230, 1252.


Afghanistan. Atkinson'. Expedit:on into, 809; Massou's Journeyings in, 856; Ta• tar's Scenes and Adventures in, 1261.

Agricultural Chemietry, Squarey's, 63. Ainsworth's (W. F.) Travels awl Re- searches in Asia Minor. &e., 520.

Bonner (Bishop a Tractarians Life and Defence of, 567.

Book of the Farm. 63.

Burrow's Bible in Spain. 1214.

Bowyer's (Dr.) English Constitution,211. Bray's Philosophy of Necessity, 14. Bray's (Mrs.) -Henry De Pomeroy, 160. Browning's King Victor and King Charles.

233; Dramatic Lyries, 1191. Buckiwtham's Slave Slates of America.


Burnley's Observations on Trinidad, 109. Camel. Sir Alexander Burnes's, 422. Calabria and Sicily. Strutt's Pedestrian Tour its. 1238.

Campbell's (Captain) Old Forest Ranger, 17. Campbell's (Dr.) Martyr of Erromanga, or the Philosophy of Missions. 136. Campbell's (Lord) Speeches. 258. Campbell's (T.) Pilgrim of Glencoe. 2113. Cary s Memorials or the Civil War, 210. Chambers's Tour iu Switzerland, 1260. Chatterton, Life and Worke of, 710. China. Dr. M Pliersou's Two Years in.


Christian Pilgrim. Edmund Peel's. 666. Clarke s Love and Duty, 1191; Note on, 1240.

Cleveland's Voyages and Commercial En- terprises, 952. College Life, 1262. Cooper's Jack o' Lenten. 1167. Cottager's Sabbath. Mullen's. 65. Davidson (Margaret), Life and Poetry of, by Washington Irving, 1025. Dickens's (Mr.) American Notes for Ge- bezel Circulation, 1022.

Didot's Greex Library, 87. ED pt under the Romans. 979 Yeles's Modern History and Condition of, 1S. d. England in the 19th Century. 40. Factory System Illustrated, William Dodd's. 545.

Father Connell, by the O'Hara Family, 568.

Finance;, National, Mr. Wells's Tear State of the, 423.

Fish, Muule's Heraldry of. 496. Florence, a Lady's Ride oa Horseback le, 209.

Forest Life, Mrs.0 era's, 762.

Greece, Mute's Tour in. 183; as a King. dam, Mr. Steatites, 329; Resisited, and Sketches in Egypt, Garetou'd, 493; Mr. St. John's Ancient. 1117.

Griffites Tales of the J ury.room, 495. Halley. James, Memoirs of, 62.

Hardcastle juuior's Bank* and Bankers, 400.

Herberts, the, 931.

Holland. Davies's History of, 231. Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Pisces. 16; Rural and Domestic Life of Germany, 1165.

Hunt's (Leigh) Palfrey, 665. income - Tax. the Inspector' General's Guide to the, 811.

Italy. Hand-Bock for Northern. 978. I Watched the Heavens." 304.

James's (Mr.) Morley Ernstein, 521. Jameson s sMrs.) Haud-Book to the Pub. lie Galleries of Art in and near London, 1115.

Jay's War and Peace, 354.

Jerreld's Bubbles of the Day. and Cakes and Ale. 253.

Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England, 1213.

Kashmir and Thibet, Vigne's Trarels in, 737.

Knight's William Shakspere, a Biography, 688.

Earner's Lyre and Sword, 280. Laiug's Notes or a Traveller, 38. Lauitate Pueri Dominum, 425.

Lawyer, 0 Brien's, 763. .

Life iu the West, 832.

Londonderry's (Lord) Constantinople, Southern Europe,. and Africa. 713. Macaulay's (Mr.) Lays of Ancient Rome, 1070..

Mackay's Salamaudriue. 689. Mackeuzie's Lectures on Church History. WO.

Madden's (Dr.) United Irishmen, 639. Malta uud the louian Islands, Dr. Davy's, 879.

Marryat's Percival Keene. 880. Massaniello, 860.

Merivale's Lectures on Colonies and Co- Mei:at:on, :47.

Milner (Dr.). the Life of, 1236.

Muffat's Missionary Scenes and Labours in Southern Africa, 532.

Boutgunue y's (Robert) Luther, 331. &recce and Algiers, Colonel Scott's Tra- vels 446.

Ifusquito Shore. Young's Residence on the, 977.

qabob (the) at Home. 1072.

eiseier's (Commodore) War in Syria,472. eeiglibours. the, 1097.

Oewfoundlaud, Jukes's Excursions in, 785; liouttycastle's, 808.

eicolas's (Sir Harris) History of the Earl. dams of Strathern, Monteith, and Airth, 3213.

*licoll's (Robert) Life and Poems. 494. esters Byrnes and Roundelayes, 64- iorway, Mr. Milford's. 761.

'Merin, a Haud• Rook to the History of, 185.

'au and the Mineral Waters of the Pyre. nem, 784.

..ekering's (Miss) Expectaut.'304. 'eel (Sir Robert). Memoirs of, 735. Sditical Philaeophy of the Useful Know- ledge Society. 35 s. 'olyuesia, Dr. Russell's. 1024. 'oole's (Mr.) Phineas Quiddy, or Sheer , Industry, 1239. bor-Laws, Translution of E. G. Geijer's,


sensitive Christianity, the Bishop of Down's. 232.

Recreations (the) of Chri.topher North, 1189.

Rheumatism, Dr. Macleod on. 137. Richard Savage, a Romance, 976. Rotteck's Geuera1 History of the World, 184.

Boyle (Dr.) on Indian Linglass, 65. Remits and the Russians in 1642, Kohl's, 831.

Sadler (M. T.), Memoirs of. 278. Sauatory Condition of the Labourisig Poor, Report nit the. 760; Local Reports, 928 ; Letter from Mr. Chadwick, and the Editor's reply, 1001.

Scott (the Reverend Dr.). Memoirs of, 593. Scripture Money, Weight, and Measure, Paletkorpe's, 690.

Self- Devotieu, 1096.

Shakspere, Knight's and Collier's Edi- tions of, 161. Siberia, Cottrell's Recollections Of. 1119. Simple Treatment of Disease, Dr. Gully's, 641.

Sleep, Dr. Binns's Anatomy of, 954. Smith a (Dr.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 558. Smith's (the Reverend Les iogham) Poems. 401, Softness, 545. Stricklaud's (Miss) Lives of the Queens of Euglaud, 353, 907. Sutrge's Visit to the United States, 257. Sullivan's (Professor) Little Books on Education, 903, 932. Saitzerlaud, Mrs. Strutt's Domestic Roil- deuce in, 1142.

Tales of the Braganza. 691.

Taylor's (Mr.) Edwin the Fair. 640. Taylor's (Dr.) Tour iu the Mautifacturing Districts of Lancashire. 736- Teunyson's Collected Poems, 544. Thompson's (Colonel) Exercises. 882. Thuringian Saxony. Mr. 8taaf.rd's Rant- hles and Researches in. 471.

Trench's Poems trum Eastern Sources, at 6; Grentweva, 1191. Troltope's (Mts.) Blue Belles, 42; Visit to Italy, 997. Truman (Dr.) on Food, 1048.

Tytier s History of Scotland, 493. Vaughtues (Dr.) Congregationalism,* 33; Modern Pulpit. 8 !S; Age of Great Chia*, 1190.

Vavasour's (Lady.) Last Tour and First Work. 638.

%pilaw's (Dr.) Lectures eta .Fteturle Prostiurtion. 906.

Widoes and Widowers. 1143.

William Langshawe the Cottou Lent, 953, Wurdswortles Poems of Early and 1.ate Years. 522.

Wraugliant's (Areleleacon) Latin Trans- lations, 810.


Abram's Arithmetic. 163. Acacia Tree.

612. Aden uist rations of England, 788. Adolesceutia, 546. Agriculture. • Sproule'.. 354. Aikin's Cemparative View, 1263. Aix Iii Chapelle. Spriuga of. 788. Almauacks, 43, 187, 570, 933, 1056. 1074, 1123. 1169. 1193, 1218, 1264. American Criminal Trials, 497 : Slavery, 607. Antigone. 570. Apho- risms aud Reflection's. 1217. Apostolic Christianity, 835. Arab Bride, 833. Architecture, Ancient and Modern, 9:16, 1031. Astronomy, H. Reid's, 449. Athelwold, 234. Attempts at Venus 788. Attica and Athens. 10011. Aus-

tralia, Birds of. 643. Australian Vile... cabulary, 212. Autobiography of Jo- seph Lister. 788.

Bath Subseriptitne Ball. the. 305. Battles ,f the British Navy, 167. Beattie's Castles and Abbeys ot England. 139. Bee keeper's Guido, 739. Bees, Iluish on. 570. Bentley on Education, S4c., 128. Biblical eabiuet, 498. Bizarre

Fables, 667. Blackwood, Staudanl Novels. IS, 138, ::34, 517. Blaud's Latin Hexameters, 835. Book of the Poets. 66; of Thsught. 306; of British - Ballads, 570; of One Syllable, 716. Bcsworth's Greek Grammar. 835. Bo- tany, 497; for Ladies, 620. Botanical Looker out, 643. Bowen's Virgil. 932. Mlle's Court Guide, 1241. Bread' Baker. Reid's. 1193. Brockedon's Italy, 114. Brodie on Diseases of the Urinary Organs, 281. Burns, Works of. 1217. By roo's Tales. 253. Carletou's Traits and Stories, 739, 884. ' Cavendish's (Sir H.) Debates of tbe House of Commons, 570. Chautbers's Information, 42; Ruditneuts of Zook*. , 523; (H.) Loudon Jentnali 42. Cha- racteristics of Painters, 106; of L. E. L., 281, Charnwood Forest,. 1122. (Ito. mist, the, 1193. . Chemistry of the tour Ancient Elements, 474; Practical, for Fanners, 497, Chess Exem elided, 1000. Choututherie, le Petite, 692, Christian Missions. 523. Chrietiau'e Sunday Companion, 1000. Chroilieles of England, 082. Clironologicai Pee tured of English History. 684. Cicere's Political Works, 523. Clarke's (A.) Life and Lebours, 354. Classical Pre. nunciatiou 01 Proper Names, 114, Col- lier's Shakspere, 883, 1074. Culitisiza-:„ tion, Letter to Lord Stanley on, E6: Comic Nursery Tales. 523; Alsw 1217. Comments no Catholicity, 107, Commercial Tariffs, TOIL Complaii a, 1000. Conchulogy, Cat!ow's, 1 Conehologist's Book of Species, Confessions of an 40state, 138. secreted Thoughts, 715. Consuatp Kittue no, 474. Conversation, Art 715. Copyright, Burke's. 1194; Designs, MA. Count De Fete. Country Barks ;led the Covenant, the; net, 'itvY. toelri..imitua1 Law, ath. ol, 084.


1168. Cune.e4......1; ded


Daute's leferno. 71o. Pa; Dreams, 1 Duyvil the East, 1123. Deau F MinineCommissioners, Award or 449. Dennie's Narratite Mika Art, War. 1241, Be Vert's (Sir A.) Poe 1122, Didot' 9 French Publicath 187,300; Greek, 1263. Dirge of W mittater, 7158. Distress of Namara, G Remedy for the, 1.40. Dodd s Peet 113; Parliamentary Companiou. 1 Manual or Diguitice, 620, Dom Dictionary, 353. Dow Melder, lu Died Molt:termed K111111, 403.- Brun 1122. Drawing Book of the Got mem School of Design. 547. Din arils the, 234.

Eburacuru, 1122. Cede:Listless, 1 Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Guide.

449. Edinburgh bulect Sultscriptipa -Library, 834. I:Ade:thou ut Moungss 448, Elector's Companion, 212. Elise,. trotype Manipulative, 1074. Eilis'i (Mn.) Daughters of Eugland, 162, England teeter the Papist' Yoke, 716., Eeglish, Graham s, 7d8; Wife, tbe,,', LIM Entomology, 11(15. Epps 'MO: Affections of the Head, 114. Elletin des Mettecins, 788, Elder's Paradise:

.: for All Men, 739.

Facts and Figures, 834. Fairchild Fami Y.

ie (6. Fair Chinese Maid, litou. le - Asisociatiou, MM. Fume and Glor tir England, the, 546. Farmer's EtteIctan podia. 495. Female Character, 114. - Fireside Philosophy, 94. Foster's ;. Coprbooks, 739. Foundling or Cur. diem, 351. France Hague. riot) &Ls 569. Fraukum's Discourse on the sit- ' lured Abdomen, 281. French Greet- mar, Guillerees, 932; and English Lira!' icon. 497.

in. 1113; The Indian Government and the Opium-trade. 1210. Irish Jobbing, 565; Lord Eliot and the lrislt Jobbers. 589.

Landlords and Fiirmers, 86, Law Reform. 157; Local Courts. 207; Appellate Jurisdiction of the Peers and the Privy Council. 223. Legal Barbarism. 1211. " Liberal" Party, Christmas Compliments to the. 1257.

Lord Chancellor, Office of : Political Judges, 1066.

Lynch Law in -the Strand, 1235.

Marriages of Affinity. 253.

Meditations on Marriage Announcements iti recent Nee spapers, :374.

Meddling. 139.

Melbourne's (Lord) Reply to the Derby and MelbourueAddresses-Etourderie- Persiflage- Gobemoucherie, 10.

Men of Pleasure. 663.

Misers and Discontent, 933.

Movement, the, 418.

Muffle, Mr. Robert, 789.

i National Petition. the, 442; Mr. Macaulay ll on : " Methinks the Lady doth pretest I tso much." 443.

I Nautical Metaphor, 876.

• Naval Promotion, Note on the late, 58; and other Promotions, 299.

, Negroes, Civilization of the, 1044.

' New Plays of the Passions-Terror, 806. New. Year's Day, 10.

Niger Expedition, the - .. Cain, Cain, where is thy Brother ? '' 103; The Niger ! Association, 614.

North-West Passage, the, 183.

Palmerston aud Scoble. 1019.

Parliament, the Rising of-Great Relief, 782.

Party-Men and No-Party-Men, 1066. Party-Spirit, 901.

Peace through Peel 1187.

Peel. Sir Robert-The Minister and the Meeting of Parliament. 107; Sir II. Peel's Scheme of Finance, 275; The New Tariff. and Sir R. Peel's Financial Statements. Supplement to the Spectator of 19th March; Amended Tariff, 372. Pension List. the New, 228.

Petitions. Conventions, &c., 207. ' letitions to the House of Commons, 374. /

firlse.aIttroesi, st-1.171'r91:3e5and False, 11e.3. hilosephy in Sport made Science • in Earnest, 1044.

olice (the) awl Sedition, 758-

°Utica] Progress-How the World Gets On, 1018.

ostage•S'amps, a New Use for, 1066. °amen, Town and Suburban, 1141. 6:teTtlenetTrents. 36; Net Re- rensier. Qualities of a. 853.

reux Chevaliers, the, 902.

rebate and Legacy-Ditty. 374. tussle, the King or-Expected Visit of, to the House of Commons. 108; His Conduct during his Visit to England, 133: Oh. Fie ! Mrs. Fry 1134. unishmeut, Effective. for Great Offences, 662; Thoughts on. 1140; "Prison Dis. cipline " no Discipline at all. 1162. uecu, the-Attempted Assassination of- The Queen and John Francis : Punish- ' merit of Assaults on the Royal Person, 54P; The Law of Shooting,564; Francis. 636.

ueen's Fancy-Ball. Preparations for the, 399, 916; Royalty as it Was and Is. 'Reproach and an English Apology. 491. 21; The Fancy•Ball, 969 ; A Freneh een's Visit to Scotlaud, the - Royal Progresses, 806; Work for the Queen's Champions, 806; Scotch Gossip about the Royal Visit. 819; After the Royal Tour, 8.30; Sentimental Use of Gun. powder. 925; Locus a non Lucendo, 925, 947.

Railways. French and English, 13; Ignie Fhtuus. 518.

Recess. Studies for tbe, 734.

Rent, and the Effect a Corn-law has upon it, 37; Rationale of, 58.

Rheumatism. 230.

- Right of Search Treaties and their Con' 'sequences. 972.

Riser' Navigation, International Law of. 993.

Royal Studies 8::6.

Royalty, Dimgreeables of. 183. Rural Amusements, 657.

Rural Police, 299; the Old Pedal Con- stables and Nes fleral Police, 350. Sabbath Profanation, the Law of, 208. Scotlaud, Progress of Religion in, 108; Awful Doings in, 229; Poor-Law Re- form for. 1181; Poor-law of, 1209. Scotch Judges, 182; Sheriff-Cotets Fees to Judges, 208; Judges and Witnesses, 589.

Septembe the First of, 854.

Serneutin Anglers and Magazine Wits, 878.

Smoke, 615.

Social iWtltetiea, a Chapter in. 490.

tome en End where Other Men Begin, -'78 it, Qiieen of, Troubles of the, 1066. uish Prospects. 1214.

toning Intelligence. 12. 4rawberry Hill, 324.

ariff, the Ncw, 275, 372; Supplement to ,Spectator of 19th March.

tartan Fever, the, 949. Sixes umet Travellers, 925, 949,'996. 'eetotaller, the Triple CrOwned, 134. 'red Tools, 492.

'urkey, Disputes with, respecting the Go- vernment of Syria-Suum Cnique, 734. Unbelief. the Credulity of, 1212.

United States-The Right of Search, 25. 57; Case of the Creole. 85. 300;. The Creole case Applied, 182; The eledern

Troy. 375; The American Treaty and the War-tactiou, 923; American State Stocks, 924; Progress of the English War-faction. 948; Dilemmas and Cow fessions of the War-fectien, 973; Mr. Wyld's Settlement of the North-eastern Boundary, 9e4. Van Amburgh's (Mr.) Public Entrv.1183. Vyysan. Sir Richard-A County Member of the Old School, 613.

War in Disguise, 1113. Winter, Ss mptoms of Returning, 995.

Wit Passages, 614.



Navigation of the Indus, 154; State of Political Parties at Whitauutide. 481; Glasjotv Argus on the Reform Party. 756: Court and Fashionable Intelligence Extraordinary. 756; Times out our Chi- nese Laurels. 757; Bbickwood's Maga- zine- A C. nservative View of the Posi- tion of the Present Ministry, 757; Times on further Reform of the Corn lams. 917; Inesaue tax-gross mismanagemeut of the details, 946; Pews in Churches, 991; Attacks on the Spectator for a Review ef Colonel Thompson's Works. 1041 • Letter from the Author of the Attacs, and Notes by the Editor. 1065; Attacks on Mr. Hughes for Charges agaiust Naval Officers on the Coast of Africa, 1062; New Bankruptcy and Limey Commissioners, 1086, 1112; The Spectator arid the Canada Corn Question, 1133, 1137; The Chronicle's attacks on Lord Ellenborough, 1183; Rumoured alteration in the Corn-lam s, 1184: Leadership of the Lords, 1230, 1252.



Afghanistan, Atkinson's Expedifon into. 809; Masson's Journeyings in, 856; Ion's Scenes and Adventures in. 1261.

Agricultural Chemistry, Squarey's, 63, Ainsworties (W. F.) Travels and Re-

searches in Asia Minor, Sec., 520. Aiusworth's (W. H.) Miser's Daughter;


Alison's History of Europe. 617. American Antiquities, Bradford's, 376; Criminal Trials, Chandler's, 1047; Note no, 1121.

Anne Boleyn, 88.

Annuals (the) for 1843, 1144.

Armoric (the) of England. Scotland, and Ireland; 691.

Asia Minor, Hamilton's Researches 1095.

Bailey's Review of Berkeley's Timmy- of Vision. 41.

Baptist Missionary Society, Dr. Cox's His- tory of the. 993.

Barclay's (Captain) Tour in the United States awl Canada. 134.

Beale's (Miss) Poems, 112.

Bedford, Correspondence of the Fourth Duke of. 1164.

Belgium, the Reverend W. Trollope's, 618. Best's (Captain) Excursions in Albania and Aseeut of the Danube, 159. Biographia Britanuica.Literaria, Wright's, 447.

Biographical Dictionary (the) of the So- ciety for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge. 664.

Bishop's Daughter. the, 472. Blamwe's (Miss) Poetical Works, 619. Bonner (Bisbee), a Tractarians Life and Defence or, 567.

Book of the Farm, 63.

Borrow's Bible itt Spain, 1214.

Bowyer's (Dr.) English Constitution,211. Bray's Philosophy of Necessity, 14. Bray's (Mrs.) -Henry Be Pomeroy. 160. Browning's King Victor and King Charles,

233; Dramatic Lyrics. 1191. Buckiugham's Slave States of America.


Beruley's Observations on Triuidad, 109. Cahoot. Sir Alexander Burues's. 422. Calabria and Sicily, Strutt's Pedestrian, Tour in. 1238.

Campbell's (Captain) ad Forest Ranger, 17.

Campbell's (Dr.) Martyr of Erromanga. or the Phileeophy of Missions, 136. Campbell's (Lord) Speeches. 258. Campbell's (T.) Pilgrim of Glencoe, 233. Cary's Memoriala of the Civil War, 210. Chambers's Tour is Switzerland, 1260. Chatterton, Life and Works of, 710. China. Dr. M Plierson's Two Years in, 1069.

Christian Pilgrim, Edmund Peel's. 666. Clarke a Love and Duty, 1191; Note on. 1240.

Cleveland's Voyages and Commercial En- terprises, 952.

College Life. 126'2. Cooper's Jack o' Lantern. 1167. Cotteger's Sabbath, Mellen's, 65. Davidson (Margaret), Life and Poetry of, by Washington Irving, 1025. Dickens's (Mr.) American Notes for Ge- nera! Circulation, 1029.

Didet's Greens Library. 87. Egypt under the Rumens. 979; Yales's

Modern Hietory and Condition of, 1 England in the 19th Century. 40.

Factory System Illustrated, William Dodd's, 545, Father Council, by the O'Hara Family, 568.

Finances. National, Mr. Wells's True State of the, 423.

Fish, Mottle's Heraldry of, 495. Florence, a Lady's Ride on Horseback to, 209.

Furn.at Life, Mrs.0 'era's, 762. Greece, Mute'e Tour in, 183; as a King. duet, Mr. Stroug's. 329; Revisited. and Sketches in Egypt, Garstoted, 493; Mr, St. John's Aucietit, 1117, Griffites Tales of the Jury-mom. 495. Halley, James. Memoirs of, 62. Hardeastle juuior's Woke and Bunters.

Herherts, the, 931.

Holland, Davies's History of, 231. Hoe itt's Visits to Remarkable Pieces. 16; Rural and Domestic Life of Germany, 1165.

Hunt's (Leigh) Palfrey, 665.

Income - Tax. the Inspector - General's

Guide to the, 811.

Italy, Hand- Busk for Northern. 978. '• I Watched the Heavens," 304.

James's (Mr.) Morley Erustein, 521. Jameson 's sMrs.) Haud•Book to the Pub- lic Galleries uf Art in and near Loudon. 185.

Jay's War and Peace. 354.

Jerreld's Bubbles a the Day, aud Cakes

sod Ale, 253.

Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England, 1113. • Kashmir and Thibet, Vigue's Trneels in, 737- Knight's William Shakspere, a Biography, 68d.

Kiirtier's Lyre and Sword, 280. Latter's Notes of a Traveller. 38. Laudate Pueri Domiuum, 4e5.

Lawyer, 0 Brim's, 763- • Life in the West, 8s2.

Lomlunderry's (Lord) Cunstautinople, Southern Europe, awl Africa. 713. Macaulay's (Mr.) Lays of Ancient Rome, 1070, Mackay 's Salamatidriue, 689.

Mackeuzie's Lectures on Church History, 230.

Maddea's (Dr.) United Irishmen, 639. Malta aud the louiau Islaude, Dr. Davy's. 879.

Merryat's Percival Keeue, 880. Massaniello, 860.

Merivale's Lectures no Colonies and Co- lonization, 47.

Wirier (Dr.), the Life of, 1236. Moffat's Miseiouary Scenes awl Labours iu Southern Africa, 532.

Moutgonter y's (Robert) Luther. 331. Morocco aud Algiers, Colonel Scott's Tra- vels in, 446.

Mosquito Shore, Young's Residence on the, 977.

Nabob (the) nt Home, 1072.

Napier's (Commodore) Wars in Syria,472. Neighbours, the, 1197.

Newfoundland, Jukes's Excursions in, 783; lionnyeastles, 808.

Nicolae's (Sir Harris) Mangy of the Earl' stuns of Strathern. Monteith, and Airth, ;122.

Nicull's (Robert) Life and Poems, 494. Noel's Byrnes and Roundelayee, 64- Norway, Mr. Milford's, 761.

Paiutiug, a Hand-Book to the History of, 185.

Pan and the Mineral Waters of tile Pyre. nets. 784.

P.ekering's (Miss) ExpectautS304. Peel (Sir Robert), Memoirs of. 7e5. Political Philosophy of the Useful Know- ledge Society, 332.

Polyuesia. Dr. Ituesell's, 1024.

Poole's (Mr.) Phineas Quiddy, or Sheer Industry, 1239.

Poor-Laws, Translation of E. G. Greer's, 279.

Primitive Cluistinuity. the Bishop of Down's, 232.

Recreations (the) of Christopher North, 1189, Rheumatism, Dr. Macleod on, 137. Richard eayage, a Romance, 976. Rotteck's Geueral History of the World, 189.

Boyle (Dr.) on Indian Isiuglass, 65. Remit' aud the Russiaus iu 1842, Kohl's, 831.

Sadler (M. T.), Memoirs of, 278. Satueury Cooditionstf the Labouriug Poor. Report on the, 7450; Lueal Reports, 928; Letter from Mr. Chadwick, and the Editor's reply, 1001. Scott (the Reverend Dr.). Memoirs of, 593. Scripture Money. Weight, and Measure, Palethorpe's, 690. Self. Devotion, 1096. • Shakspere, Knight's and Cullier's Edi- tions of, 161.

Siberia, Cottrell's Recollectioua of, 1119. Simple Preatineutuf Dieuase, Dr. Gully's, 641.

Sleep, Dr. Diane's Anatomy of, 959. &Intik s (Dr.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 558.

Smith's (the Revereed Lesingliam) Poems.

Softness, 545.

Stricklawes (Mies) Lives of the Queens of Eugland, 353, 9117. Sturge'e Visit to the United States, 257. Sullivan's (Professor) Little Books oil Education, 909,932.

Switzerlaud, Mrs. Strutt's Domestic Bean- deuce inn, 1142.

Tales of the Braganza, G91. 'nylon's (Mr.) Edwin the Fair, 640. Taylor's (Dr.) Tom in the Manufacturing Districts or Lancasbire. 786. Teunyson's Collected Poems. 544. Thompson's (Colonel) Exercises, 0132. Thuriugew Saxony. Mr. e. hulfsrd's Ram- bles and Reeearcires in, 471.

Trench's Poems from Eastern Sources, et 5; Genoveva, 1191. Trultope's (Mrs.) Blue Belles, 42; Visit to holy, 997. Truman (Dr.) on Food, 1048. Tyler a History of Scotland, 493. Vaughan's (Dr.) Congregationalism., 83; Modern Pulpits 820; Age otOreat Cities, 1190.

Vavesuur's (Lady) Lost Tour atal First Work, 63' 8.

Warrilaw's (Dr.) Lectures on Female Prostitution, 996.

Widiese and Widowers. 1143.

William Langshawe the Cotton herd, 953. Wordsworth's Poems of Early and Late Yeats, 3:2.

Wraughanes (Arcleleacon) Latin Trans- lations, 910.


Abram's Arithmetic, 163. Acacia Tree,

612. Admiuist rations of Ragland, 788. Adolesceutia, 546. Agriculture, Sproule's. 354, Aikin's 13-imperative View. 1263, Aisle Chapelle. Spriuga or. 788. Almanacks, 43, 187, 570, 933. 1056. 1079, 1123, 1169. 1193, 1218, 1264. American Criminal Trials, 497 ; Slavery. 607. Antigouii, 570. Apho- rism, aud Reflections, 1217. Ametutic Christianity. 835, Arub Bride, 033. Architecture. Ancient and Modern, 9.36, 1031. Astronomy. II. Reid's, 449. Athelwold. 234. Attempts at Vets8, 788. Attica and Athens, 1000. Aus- tralia, Birds of, 643. Australian Vos cabal:try, 212- Autobiography of Jo- seph Lieter, 788.

Bath Subseriptiou- Ball, the. 305. Battles f tine British Navy, (67. Braille's Castles and Abbeys of Englaud, 139. Bee keeper's Guide, 73e, Bees, Finish on. 570. Bentley on Education. tee., 138. Biblical Cabiuel, 4913. Bizarre Fables, 667. Blackwood 5 Stentlard Novels, 18, 138, ts34, 547. Illaud's Latin Hexameters, 833. Book of the Poets, 66; of Thsught. 305; of British Ballads, 570; of Ono Syllable, 716._ 13ettworth's Greek Grammar, e35. Bo- - tauy, 497; fur Ludies, 620, Botanical Looker out, 643. Boweu's Virgil, 9.02.

Boyle's Court Guide, 1241. Bread- s -- Baker, Reid'., 1193. Brockedon's Italy, 114. Brodie on Dideased of the Utivary Organs, 281. Burns, Works or, 147, 133 ron'm Tales, 353.

Carleton's Traits awl Stories, 739, 884. ' Cavendisles (Sir IL) Debates of the House of Commous. 570. Chinn bertes Information. 42; Ruditneuts of &elegy. _ 523; (H.) Loudon Jeurnal„ 42. Cha- racteristics of Paiuters, le6; of L. E. L., 281. eh:Inwood Forest, 1122. Ch, s

mist. the, 1 i93. Chemistry of folic Ancient Elements, 474 ; Prac for Farmers, 497. Chess Exernpli 1000. Chutuntocrie, le Petite.

Christinu Missious, 523. Christ Suuday Compauien, 1000. Chive

of England. 642. Chronological tures of Engliell History, 884. Cletii4. Pulitimil Works, 523. Clarke's Life and Litmus, 354. Classical muteiatirm or Proper Names, 114.

lier's Shakspere, 883, 1074. Colo Ron, Letter to Lard Stanley on,

Cutinte N011Ory Tales, 523; Ali,

1217. Comments uu Cathelicity, Commercial TsnrilTe, 738. Curupl a, 1000. Coucholegy. Catlow's, 1 Conchologist's Book of Slurries. Couleesions of am Aeostute, 136.

secreted Thoughts, 715. Cuasucupt Kittue on, 474. Conversatiou, Art 715. Copyright. Iturke'e, 11111; Designs, 8134. Count Be Foie, Country Banks and the Canino. Covenant, the.

toCtiaailuituasi Law, st.h 5884.: 1169, Cuniss,...ssesursenderings, Daute's Ieferno. 715. -Da s Dreams, 1 Days io the East, 1123. Deau Fe Meting' Commissioners, Award of 449. Pennies Narraiite of the Alg War, 1241, De Venus (Sir A.) Poe

1122. Didot's French 187, 306; Greek. 1263. Dirge of W minister, 788. Distress of Nations, G Remedy for the, 1-40. Builds reeta 113; Parliamentary Companion. 1 Manual of Diguittee, 62e. Domed Dictionary, 35a, Dora Molder. it Duet Mohamtne.i Khan, 403: Dews 1122. Drawing Book of the Gine meet School uf Design, 547. Dru and,. the, 2014.

Eburacum, 1122. Eceleeasticte. 114. Edinburgh and Glasgewiluit way Guide, 449. Edinburgh select Subscri mien

'Library. 834. lidecation Multigrf.., 448. Elector's Compattion. 212. Elecs trotype Manipulatent, 1074. Eilis's (We.) Daughters nit England, 162. England uuuer the Popieli Yoke, 716., Eeglish, Graham s, 738; Wire, tl,e,; 1124. Entoinulogy, Hee. Epps on Affections of the Head, 114. Ell eurs des Medecins. 788. Etzler's Paradise for All Men. 7:111. • Facts aud Figures, 839. Fairchild Family, (6. Fair Chincee Maid, WM, Faiee Arisociatioe, 884. Fame and Glory of England, the, 546. Fannuers Elms dee p amen, e93. Female Character. Lk, Fireside Philosophy, 94. Feast's Copy-buoks, 739. Foundling of Cur.: duya, 351. France Lagumraoryptd,,,r- 569. Fieukum's Discourse ou the En-' based Abdomen, 281. French threats , mar, Guillerez's, 9'32 ; and English Lres icou, 497. Gllber11111Z18.8 Wallet, 43. Game of Gr mar, 497. Get.desy, Williams's P tient, 448. Geography, Valverde!, 166. German Lauguage, S15. Gelt-liook of Poetry. 116e. GiteeresOntletee, 1363. Gypsies. the, 523. Globes, the, 932. Geufrey Melvern, 355, 1132. Grammar

• for Beginners, 1168. Great Commis

' aims, the, 234. Greek Grades. 18; G miner, Formative, 523. Gregory /A.

t Seventh, 9j2. Griffin's Works, 234. - G wth of Plants in closely.glazed , 402. !Guide to Service. 547; to . mile, 1193. Guiles Architecture, 112'2. Hand Books, 43, 305, 355, 1038 Iland- ley's (Major) removal from the Magis. fancy, 1a9. Handy Andy, 43. Hart's . Army List. 66. Hay's liatmouy of Form, 1123. Ilerberei Works, 473. Hercea of England. the. 1122. Hints for the Revival of Scripture Principles In the Anglican Church, 5:0; to Cadets,

. 1000, HistoryfUsseand Study of. 473.

Hoer' the liploage, 523. Homburg, Spas of. 642. Hemceopathy, Domestic. .547; Explained, 1000; Black's, 1122. Horse (the) and the Hound, 516. How did Eugland heceme an Oligarchy ? 883. Haman Happiness and Duty. 1217. ilym apathy. 138. . Income-tax Act, 643. India and Egypt. Handbook loan/. Indictalle Offeuena 4,9. Initiation, the History of, 163. laquiries in Imernatioual Law. 523. Ipswich, Guide to, 620. Ireland, Ga• zet car of. 402; and the Irish Church, 6,0; a Voice from. 570. Irish Ilistory, Poetical Recsileetious of, 516. Iron for e tip building, 570. Island Miuetrel, 1L22 Islingten Literary Society Cata- logue. 884. Jay's Works. 305. 1263. Jewees. the, 1217. Johnston's Agricultural Chemis• try, 402. Jokes of the Cambridge Coffeehouses. 547. Josephine, 569. Journey Batik of England, 138. in-

datum. Spirit of, 642. J11111118. Postbu- Moms Works of, 1193. Juvenile Miscul- !guy, 448,

Kangaroos, 643. Kennion's Grammar.

42. K r's Popular Phrases, 187. King of - Prussia's Speech at Cologne. 95i. Kteg's Ballad Poetry of England, 1122. Knight's Store of Knowledge, 66; Eng. lab Miscellany. 114; Shaltspere. 883, 1074. Knights Tempters, 473. Kohl a Russia, 1123. 1169, 1193.

LadrAlice. 1118. Landsman's Log•Bcok, 523. Land Surveying, Crackers. 42. Languages, Spelling of, 739. Last Days of Booby. 402. Latina on Fresco, 306. N:si Pries, 1050. Lawsou's Defence o -Pbeey..-516. Lectures on Prophecy, 66. Leigh's (Lord) Thoughts at Whitsuntide, 497. Letters from Hof- wyl, 546. Letter-writing, Hints on. 1291. Lewis's Four Reformed Parlia- ments. 163. Life Assurers, Hand book for, 932. Literary Society, the. 111; Ladies of England. 1168. Little &ti- nes, 620; Susan, 788. Lives of the Fathers. 932. Loudon Library, 353. 1074. Longfellow's Poems, 546. Long- noun's Catalogue, 474. Lord on Modern Education. 498. Lot of Mortality, 452. Loudores Eucycleeredia of Trees, 448. Louisa. 932. Love's Sacrifice, 932. Lower's English Surnames, 523. Mabluogion, the, 281. Mackay (Lieute- naot-General), Lire of, 497. M'Cul. Inch's Geographical Dictionary, 716. Magazines, 93, 159, 235, 355. 403, 596. 620, 667. 10e0, 1123, 1191, 1217. Wig. dalenisM. 234. Maiden of Moscow, 43. -Maid of Orleans, 497. Malta, a Ramble In, 1074. Mamma and Mary, 955. Mamma's Bible Storift, 1217. Mato

rsGeologicsil Society's Transac-

tioes, 166. Maps, 66, 335, 390, 668, 835,

M. 956. Marcees Coinersatious on .,..._*" z"-tery of Eug:end, 497. Mar: amours.. tr.. 497. metisage, 114.

....Mlartineaualt Hypo- Ads/ ' Masterman

Beady, 443, Matthew's Poems, 403. Mereliins, 523. Mesopotamia aud As- syria. 114. Midsummer Eve, 1122. Mineral Waters, 834. Molluscous Ani- mals, 1123. Monographin Anopluro. rum Britannire, 595. Montaigne's Works, 474. Mosaic Pavements 1264, aluseley's Engineering. 1122. Moral Agency, 281, Murray's Environs ue London, 449.

Narrieu's Geometry. 834. National Pro.

verbs. 212. Natural History of Enthu- siasm, 596. Neighbours, the. 1050. Nervous System, Mayo's. 473. Neutral French. the, 788. New Chapter of Rings, 18; Library of Useful Know- ledge, 138, 403; Testement, 591. New Zealaucl, Terry's, 715; Ileaphy's, 835. Nichols Chits of Scotland, 547. Night and Day Thoughts. 1291. Helicon Sorm • 1st'. Sketchbook, 667. Novel News. paper, 788. 955. Novum Tratamentum Grieco. 835. Nursery Rhymes, 1168.

Old River, the, 593. Our Mess. 1263. Pantology, 186. Parent's Hand-book, 999. Paris a Few Days stroll about, 595. - Parliamentary Contested Elections 419. Parker's Poems. 912. Passages from the Diary of a late Physician. 212. Penny Magazine. 166; Cyclopedia, 667, 1074, Pettigrew's Eocyclopselia Egyptiaca,

355. Philosophical Conversations. 1168. Phonography,934, Pictorial Grammar. 403; Colour anti Effect. 547; Spoiling- book, 1123. Plighted Troth, 497. Po. cock's Life Assurance, ,2. Poems writ- ten chit-fly Abroad. 66; by a Jouruey- man Mechanic, 955. Poetry for the

Million, 1168. Political Philosophy.

s '7",ses7Sea 21l; Economy, Letters on. 402. Poly. k,ss 1)logy, 1241. Popular Library of Modern a Authors, 835. 1050 ,• Rhymes. 1123. Post. office Directory, 187, 1163. Powell's Poems. 7:10. Price on the Picturesque, 448. Priehard's Natural History of Man, 18. Prince of the Mountains. the, 953. Prism of Thought, IS.63. Pro. testanism, 902. Proverb' 4 Philosophy,

1000. Psalms. Translation of the Book of. 395 Punch. 643, 1963. Punctuation. 1168.

Quezziana. 402.

Rambles in the Country. 231. Rambling Recollections, 113. Rational Reading Leesons. 114. Saunter's England in 1841. 351. Recreation. the. 1122. Re- creations of Christopher North, 523. Redcliffe Church. Bristol, 1241. Reli- gions Opinions of the Khouds. 833. Re' vitals 63. Mote s, the. 932. Robeit and Frederick. 139. Roberts's Holy Land, 235. 474, 517, 716. 1051, 1169, 1264. Robertson on Spinal Diseases, 169. Rogerson's Voice from the Town, -Sanatory Condition of the Labonring Po- potation, 8'5. Saturday Magazine. 667. Scamptr through Italy, 595. Scotch Courtiers and the Court. 1122. ficates Works. 139. 212. 355; 04 Journal of a Tour. 305. Scottish biography, Popular, 788; Song. 1217. Scraps, Campbell's. 281. Scripture Herbal 1050. Secret Associations, 932. Sell:erne. t kite's, 1241. Sentence c Massimo Mweli,449. Sepulchre of Laetrile the. 1000. Ser- mons, 43. Sewell's ivideeces of Chris- tianity. 1217. Shaves Elee'ro.Metal- burry, 523. Shepherd's Evening Tales, 739. Shcoteel Hand-book, 715. Slbe. ria. Conquest of, 1074. Sir Henry Delme. 523. Sketches or Life awl Cha- racter, 402. Slaves. Bandinel's Account of the Trade in. 448. Smee's Electro- Metallurgy, 403. Smith's Standard Li- brary. 212. Smy Ws French Grammar, 738. Socrates, 281. Soldiers and Sail- ors. 1217. Some Leases from My Port- folio. 473. Songs of the Sword. 187; for the People. 1074. Sonnets, the Book of, 66. Spinal Nerves. Irritatien of the. 667. Spindle's. 935. Statistics of Vaux- hall Ward. Liverpool. 403. Steam. len- gi :5, Hohlyn's, 359. Stebbiug's History of the Church. 1193. Sullisun's Edu- cational Works, 835.

Tale of a Tiger, 667. Tate's Modern Cambist, 113. Taylor's (Dr.) History of India. etc.„ 1073. Temple Church, the. 1122, 1168. Thomson's Seasons, Illustrated. 716. Thought. Laws of, 1217. Time and Timekeepers, 234. Tomb of Bonaparte. 402. Torrens s (Colonel) Letter to Lord John Russell. 115. Torrent of Portugal. 788. Tra- duced. the, 281. Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects. 716. Translations from the German. 186. Travellers, the, 1217. Trevor Haaiuges, 305. Trip Home. a, 473. Turkish Interpreter, 402. Tneuing,474. Vachees Perliamentary Companion, 212. Veddees Poems, 354. Vicar of Wakefield. Mulready's 1241. Village Pencilliturs. 473. Voltaic Battery, what ia a? 739. Voice in Ramis, a, 315. Vow or the Gileadite, the, 138.

Veaghorn's Overland Guide, 1050. Wa- kouclab. e81. Waverley Novels. 18, 932. Wellsted's (Lieutenant)Attack on Lonl Valentia's work on the Red Sea, Refutation of, 936. Westminster Abbey. 729. Western Anstralia, 1241. What to Teach, 114. Whist, 1074. Whistle nitride, 1000. Wiltshire Glossary, 788. Woollen and Worsted Manufactures, 448. Work and Wages, 955. Year-Book of Facts, 163; of Natural His- tory, 303. Ye irsley on Deafness, 163; on -Eularged Tonsil, &e., 1074.

Zachary Cobble. 163. Zaida. 186. Note on Dr. Palmedo's Method of treating Consumption, 18.


staelphi- Little Old Woman and her Pig. 101 lQueen of Cyprus. 132; Breach of Promise of Marriage. 203; Opening - Owl Sisters, 948; Miser's Daughter, 1046; Antony and Cleopatra - Alma. 1091; You Know What.1164 ; Merchant and his Clerks. 1209; Pantomime, 1256.

Cut-cut Garden- Guy Earl of Warwick, 10; Wives es they Were, and Maids as they Are. ; Irish Heiress, 156; Bub- bles of the Day, 205; White Cat. 326; closing. 444; Losses during three sea- sons, 518; Opening. 899; Love's Sacri• lice. 900; Gertrude's Cherries, 900.922; Jealous Wire. 996; Macbeth. 1013; The Turf, 1068; Tempest, 1091; resolution in the management, 1137. Pantomime, 1256.

Davidge (Mr.), Death of. 132.

Drury Lane - Opening - Merchant of Venice-Duke Humphrey's Dinner- Every Gee has his Fault-Two Gentle- men of Verona, 9; Gamester, 57; The Windmill, 106; the saloon teform, 132 ; Prisoner of War. 156; Gisippus, 203; Students of Bonn. 327; Macbeth, 347; Plighted Troth, 1,96; closing-review of the season. 518; Opeuiug-As You Like It-Marina Fel - Fol I ies of a N ight - Rivals, 975; Road to Ruin-Othello, 1018; King John, 1046; Eton Boy. 1069; Love for Lose, 1141; Patrician's Daughter. 1209. Pantomime, 1256. Duerow (Mr.). Death of. In.

Goesip of the Theatres. 488.

Haymarket-World of Dreams, 10; Pro- voked Husband, 57; Marriage, 132; Woman Hater. 205; Macbeth, 347; Lady of Lyons. 376; West Indian- Pretty Girls of Slithers. 376; A Lover by Proxy 391; Beaux Stratagem, 519; '-As You Like It, 519; She Would and She Would Not, 512; The Rose of Arragon. 565; debut of Mr. O'Neil, 531; Way to Keep Him, 661; Peter and

Pant, 684; Hypocrite, 733; London Assurance. 830; Ahrta Meter, ; Grandfather Whitehead -Coriosities of Literature. 947: Married Life, 1018; Belle of the hotel. 1091 ; Cure for Love. 1164; The Dowager. l 135 ; Way of the World. 1233; The Ban lie, 1234.

Italian Operahouse - Mademoiselle Ra- chel's performances. 615. Kelly's (Miss) Theatre- Debut of Miss Clara Seaton.519.

Lyceum- Opening. 468; Lone Het. 661; Broken Home - Blue Beard. 783; Jullien's Concerts. 1185.

Istacready's (Mr.) action against the Weekly Disrtch, 616,

New Strand- Opening, 327; New Foot- man - Othello Tmvestie, 376; The Dutchess of .512: Lucky Stars, 661; Wax and Wonders. 783; Legerde- main, 851.

Patent Theatres. Losses of the. 1163.

St. James's - French Plays. 84; Le Comedien d'Etampes. 206; M. Pellet's performances. 252; MademoisellePlessy. 348 418; Mademoiselle Deinzet. 469. 542; H. Bennis, 5t16 590,615. 637. 661; A Vial to the Magician Herr Dobler, 684: Programme of the French Plays, 1209.

Yates (Mr.). Death of, 616, 632.


Ancient Concerts, 351, 417, 444.

Choral Classes of the National Schools, 370.

Concentores Sedates, 975.

Covent GI rden -El mall berti. 83; Conine,

230; Mnrriage of Fignro. 274; The German Ope-a. 444 ; Die Veslalin, 467: Robert the Devil, 531; Le NI Tee de Figaro, 591; Hugneurits, 615: Closing- failure of the Germain. 661; Semi- remb'e, 974: Richard Ccear de-Lion, 966; Secret Marriage, 1068; Artaxerxes, 1257.

Dairy Lane-Acts and Galatea. 155; No Song No Supper. 252; K in g Arthur, 1115. English Opera, a Plea for the, /83. Enphouican, the, 827. Glance (a) at the Music of the Season, 708. Gresham Music Lectures. the. 463. FLAMM; (Mr.) Exhibition. 1117. Italian Opera-State of the, 917; Lucretia Borgia, 468, 498; Cantatrici Villane. 519; La Sounambula. 591; Don Giovanni, 591; Muni of Persiani - dis- turbance, 631; Cost fan Tette, 759 ; approaching close. 783. Kemble's (Miss A.) Retirement. 1234. Madrigal Society. the. 84, 1022. Musical Antiquarian Society. 1067. Musical Publication Societies. 1242. Music for a Protestant Chapel. 468. New Musical Put lications, 139, 235, 570, 591. 643. 739, 7a9.

Norwich Festival -Spohes absence from the. 854; The Festival, 903, 920, 926; Dr. Spohr and the Festival Committee- Letter by Prnfewor Taylor, 1212. Philharmonic Concerts. 282, 351, 399, 443, 992. 541, 591. 637.

Princess's Theatre-Sonnambula. 1257. Professional Concerts. 1067, 1093, 1117. Proeinclal Festivals, the, 807.

Purcell Chili, 282.

Quartet Concerts, 230.

Ronini's •• Stabat Mater." 634.

Royal Academy Concerts, 301. " Samson " at Exeter Hall, 1093.

Shaw's (Mrs.) Siugiug, from a Corres- pondent at Dmsden, 252. Spohes "Fall of Babylon." 733. Subscription Concerts, 1142.

Thalberg's Concert. 468. Wilson's (Mr.) Illustrations of Scottish Music and Song. 57.


Afghanistan, Views in, 380, 764, Architecture, Prateasor Hosking's Intro- ductory Lecture on, 1075. Art•Union. the. 43; Exhibition of the Prizes, 812; The Picture Lotteries. 1169; Meeting of Artists respecting the Na- tional Art Union. 1242.

Boys's London As It Is. 518. British Artists, Defective Education of German Criticism. 1099; Letters from B. R. Hayden, 1099, 1170; Art at Mu. zilch, 1236.

British Institution. Exhibition of Modern Pictures at the, 163, 571.

Bede Light in Waterloo Place, the, 83. Manners t Sir F.) Will. 140.

Chinese Collection or Museum, the, 616; Letter from Mr. Dunn, 635. Daguerreotype Portraits at the Adelade Gallery. 379; Uses of the, 740. Decorative Art, Principles of: Letter by B. R. Hayden, 1194.

Delaroche's Grand Painting in the School of Fine Arts at Paris 43, Donaldaon's (Professor) Inaugural Lec- ture, 1028.

Drawing Clarifies at Exeter Hall, 187. Eastlake's Pilgrims Coming in aight of the Hole City. Eugraving of. 372. Exhibition System, the. 67.

Fine Arts, Gossip on the, 113, 1075, 1098, 1218.

Fresco-Painting, Letter III., by S. R. H., 18.

Haddon, Douglas Morisou's Sketches of, 692.

Hee kins's (Str.) Drawing Models. 813. Hayter's (Mr.) Picture of the Queen's Marringe. 426.

Ho'yday Sights, 1234. Knight's (Mr.) Picture of the Heroes of Waterloo, 332. Lawrence Collection. the. 668. Lithrresaphv. Multiplying Pictures 1, Melling's (Mr.) Battle of Agincoutt etcetera Antiques: the Puniatoweky Ge 307.

Mortimer Wood-Pavemeta. the. 83. Nash's. Old Enelieli Marisions. 01 ; Exhibi- tion of the P.ctures of. 306.

Natioual Gadery-Cartoon by Raphael.

739. New l'rints. 18, 28 306. 474, 523, 547, 570. 596. 667. 836.1169, 1241. New SocietyetWatenColeur Paiuters.426. Notes on New Buildings -Chrietchurch. Streathem. 783; The Hall in Thread- needle Street: The Sim Fire Office. 830; Brick • built Churches. 8'5; Gothic Churches at Lee and Blackheath, 905; The Houses round Hyde Park -Bay. windows. 927.

Old Society of Water-Colour Paiuters, 426 Panorama of the Battle of Waterloo. 307; of Cobol. 491.

Peel's (Sir R.) Selection of Feeletors to execute public Monuments, 1218, 1292. Pictorial Anatomy. 6-4s Price's (Lake) Views in Venice 547. Queen's Bat Costume, Sketches of the, 643, 044.

Railway-Train-Arrester, 109.

Reites (Dr.) Lectures on the Chemistry of Daily Life. 251.

Royal Academy Exhilift9te. 499, .493 Distribution of Prizea to tlit;:744kdatdif-- the President's speech. 1218. - Royal Comm ssiou of Fine Arts, 4251. Ite• s port of the, 812.

Scenic Exhibitions, 332.

Stage Illusion : the Scenic Art, 235. Statues aed the Places for Them : Minia- ture Busts. 980.

Steam-Boilers. Baron Von Rathen's It- proyemen s in. 733. Stephenson's Theatre Machinery. 625. St. Peter's at Rome. Model of. 884. Suffolk Street Exhibition. 331.

Temple Church, Restoration of the, 1045. Turner's Land,capes. Line-Engravings or. 306. 374.

Wilkie'a Works at the British Institution,

Wood cut Illustrations, Progress of, 895.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Africa. House or Commons Committee no. by Macgregor Lain1.445; African Emi. gmtiou to the West Indies. 851. 1260. Anne Boleyn, Queen, by Frederick Devon. 855.

Anti•Com•Law Leagne, the 50,0001. de- mand of the - Its Objects arid alisap- propriatien, by A. 1069.

Army. Officers of the British. by Citizen, 33; The British, by C. H. K.. 60. Atlantic Steamers, the, by Cerberus, 805. Bolden) and Berkeley Affair-A Question concerning Lord Palmerston. by Peal Pry, 703. Chita. the Next News from. by H. F., 948; Steam for, by Mercator. 1138. Curreecy and the Tariff, hy L. 1186. Deatit•Punishmeut. Inefficacy of, by M. B. Sampson. 13; by W. Mill. 60, 106; The Death- Puniehment Controversy, by IV. Miller, anti R. Walter, 84.

Grace Darling, by Corona Civica, 1069. Hommormtliy. by S.. a Disciple of the Sys. tent, 325, 549; by Auti-Homreopaffiy, 470.

Income•Tax - The Rationale of an, by C. 'L., 301; A Sliding-Scale for the, by Z 321. 398; Parliament:fly Defiuitiou Income, 421; Distribution of the between Fixed Property and Ince , 444; Case of the Annuitants, by sus- t icus. 445.

Inn Charges-Hints to Travellers. (es- pecially Foreigners,) en route Ports. month, Southampton, 8a.c., by an Old Subscriber, 922; by B., 948; Tax upon Travellers, by Viator,1018.

Justices (How) need not use the Worst Laws, by a Gloucestershire Magistrate, 1186.

micas:hire Operatives, the, by W. Cooke Taylor. LL.D .805. Medical Reform, by a Member of the Medical Profession, 876, 950, 1020. National Association, the, by a Member, 827.

Hitter Expedition (the) Improved, by Mac- gregor Lund. 106. • Platonic Dialogue. a New, 80;; Ballad Dialogues. No. hI., 831.

Post office, tbo, by a Subieriber. 56. P. at-officeImprovement, by a Registrar of Births and Deaths. 87, Post-office System, the, by J. H.. 1185.

Punishments, by Discipulus, by C.. 664.

Queen's Convoy to Scotland. b Jack, 873; The Queen and the Steamers, 922.

Right of Search, by a Constant Re'ader,87, 106.

Rutoranl,..Pmolisce., by the Author of " Flores- Seloitlerartod,r.Ploo.25r7-.1aw Seform for, lor ■

S Separate System and Prison D isciplin1 A. B., 930.

Sla ve Trade Preventive System. 1 liameutary Iuquiry into the, by at. gregor Laird, 3e7.

Steam Marine, State of the : The Govern' ment Contract System. by Cerberus 6l6 TheGovernment, hyMoreatur, 1212. Sunset, by Suynfea Jervis. 735. Von Conte (The Chevalier) suit Prince Metternich. by a Gel man 'Exile, 835. West India Mei' Contract, 1110. by Cees bents, 874.