The Army manned under the new conditions will fill the
gap between now and the organization of a new voluntary standing Army. The right principle is to make a call upon those men who have given the shortest service, and that is what is being done. So far as possible, all the men who joined in 1914 and 1915, and all who are over thirty-seven years of age, will be released. Those who are retained will receive much higher pay than before— ouch' pay apparently as will put them on a substantial equality with men in civil employment at home—turd there will also be a scheme of regular leave. " A guinea a week and all found," ie Mr. W. A. Appletou's summary of what the pay amounts to. To a considerable extent, of course, the men who will be retained with the Colours will be those who did not offer themselves voluntarily in the war but waited to be conscribed. That again is only right. The privilege of release should go to those who earned it.