SUCCESS OF GOVERNOR THOMSON'S MISSION. Tim writer of the following
letter is intimately acquainted with the affairs of Canada, and maintains a correspondence with the lead- ing men of both Provinces. We know not the person to whose opinions, on the subjuct of his letter, we should be disposed to at- tach more, it' so much weight. Ilk statements of facts may be en- tirely relied on ; and it is highly improbable that he should have been misled on any of' the points as to which Ire describes the sen- timents of others. In justice to Mr. POULETT THOMSON, we must add that this correspondent was one of many, ourselves included, who expected that the new Governor-General's mis4on would fail as completely as it appears to have succeeded.
"30th Janoary1840. " I am at length able to form a decided judgment on the subject of Governor TuomsoN's mission. Iu addition to the information conveyed by Canada newspapers, I learn from all quarters that the assent of both Provinces to the Union bas been obtained in a way to leave Parliament without the least excuse for further delay in legislating for the final set- tlement of Canadian affairs, Meu of all parties in the colony deem the Union question— the question of questions for Canada—to be settled. Governor TmeesoN has done his work promptly and effectually—effect- ually because so promptly. In the bower Province be met with few difficulties; and these were readily surmounted by his choosing for his 'Minister the ablest man in the Colony—Chief Justice Sat:Ater. In Upper Canada he has had a desperate struggle with the Family Com- pact, but has thoroughly beaten them. Having possession of all the offices, with a majority in the Assembly which they had packed under Sir FRANCIS MEAD'S mad government, they were a most formidable body. They have been conquered by three concurrent circumstances,— first, the authority given to Governor THOMSON to dissolve the Assembly in ease of need ; secondly, Lord JonN 11 ussEm.'s despatch on the tenure of offices, which further assured the officials of their liability to dismis- sal in case of need ; and thirdly, the strenuous support of the Reformers in the Assembly. " It was a great point to carry the assent to the Union without a dis- solution. In the present exasperated state of feeling in Upper Canada, a general election might have produced serious disasters, and must have occasioned very injurious delay. I am hound to confess that Governor THOMSON has conducted himself with vigour and skill. Happily for him, the Reformers had been prepared before his arrival to support the Union, as the only means of procuring for Canada the respect of those at home who have power for good or evil over the Colonies: they had also been prepared to confide in the Governor's intentions. I allude to the series of papers on Canadian affairs in the Colonial Gazette, which receded Governor TnomsoN's arrival at Quebec. However disre- spectful to him personally, they have been of the greatest service to hint as Governor. The Reformers, who have really carried the Union question, deserve infinite credit. A general election would have insured them a signal triumph over the Family Compact party, which they de- test: it was in their power to render a general election inevitable : they had the public spirit to forego a party triumph for the sake of the general good. 1 hear that the Governor has said= Verily they shall have their reward.' It is to be hoped, in spite of public statements to the contrary, that Governor TmtmosoN does not mean to meddle with the Clergy Reserve question. Ile will burn his fingers if he do. That question should be made over to the Parliament of United Canada—the only body com- petent to deal with it. Putting that question aside, all is now ready for final legislation for Canada. So far as the two Provinces are concerned, Governor MONSON may return when he pleases, with a good right to his Peerage. The sooner the better for him and for Canada. Having done so much so well, he should run no risk of undoing it all, by re- 'ining to get involved in difficulties which he has hitherto escaped by promplitude and confining his attention to the one great object of his inissioo. I wish him well out of Canada. And his presence here would be of use. If he stated here a belief' which I know that he has imbibed, and which prevails among all in Canada who have any thing like statesmanlike qualities, he would help to inform the parties at home that this is the last time of asking for wise legislation on Canadian affairs.Further neglect, or the passing of a law for temporary pur- poses only--any thing short of a new constitution of government, formed to last and not a mere makeshift fur the hour—would drive the colonists to despair, and into the aims of the United States."