1 DECEMBER 1894, Page 18

The resolution which the Radicals are going to support in

their coming campaign against the House of Lords, calls upon. the Government to propose to the House of Commons the reso- lution to which Lord Rosebery referred in his speech at Glas- gow, in terms which will demand explicitly that any measurer' passed by the representatives of the people, shall, without mutilation by the Rouse of Lords, become law in the same' Session in which it has passed the House of Commons."', That is not only virtually but literally a resolution for the- abolition of one House of the Legislature without the substi- tution of any safeguard whatever in its place. Such a reeolu- tion, even though passed by the Commons, would have, of course, no effect at all, moral or legal, unless the people should receive it with an ardent enthusiasm that would carry a. revolution :—and of ardour of this kind there is not a tittle of evidence or probability. We believe that the form of the resolution as demanded by the Radicals will alienate a fair proportion of the Gladstonian party itself.