A meeting of the subscribers to Lloyd's was held on
Wednesday, at the South Sea House. A present of 201. was voted to Grace Horsley Darling, for her heroic conduct at the wreck of the Forfarshire. Con- siderable discussion arose on a motion to erect a spacious room in con- nexion with Lloyd's, for the accommodation of the merchants of Lon- don, on payment of an annual subscription of four guineas from each : but the decision of the question was postponed until a legal opinion bad been obtained respecting the right of the Society to employ their funds in the manner proposed.
The Stock Exchange was in a state of considerable agitation on Monday, through the announcement of some extensive frauds com- mitted by Mr. Terry, the managing director of the Anti-Dry-Rot Company. The report is, that the shares having been called in for the purpose of registration, as many as 2,400 out of the whole 10,000 shares into which the capital stock was divided, were reissued, or lodged with parties against advances of money by the person alluded to, without any authorization of the owners, and of course without the privity of the directors. flo■v fur the company stands committed by this fraudulent act of one of its confidential servants, does not yet ap- pear.— Times.
A meeting was held an Thursday, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the commencement of the Polish Revolution in 18:30. About SOO persons, including a few ladies, were present ; Lord Dudley Stuart in the chair. Resolu- tions expressive of the sympathy of the meeting with the sufferings of the Poles, declaring the expediency of reestablishing Polish indepen- dence, and recommending petitions from all parts of the United King- dom in favour of Poland and in reprobation of the aggressive policy of Russia, were moved and seconded by Mr. Sheridan, Mr. G. A. Young, Admiral Napier, Colonel Thompson, and other gentlemen.
Last night, a fire in King Street, Bermondsey, destroyed the chief part of the premises belonging to Mr. Edginton, tent and tarpauling maker, and damaged some buildings adjoining them.