JAPAN TAKES THE PLUNGE A FTER the weeks of doubts and
hesitation which followed Germany's attack on Russia,. Japan has taken the plunge and " moved southwards." Vichy's subMissiveness to the Axis in Indo-China as elsewhere seems to have marked her out again for the role of consenting victim of aggression ; she was willing to " co-operate " with Japan as with Germany, accept her protection against an imaginary invasion by Britain, and agree to the occupation of her strategic air and sea bases by Japanese forces. These are now establishing themselves on the South China Sea no more than 600 miles from Singapore and the Dutch East Indies, as well as on the borders of Thailand, and in a more favourable position for striking at the Burma Road. The British, United States and Netherlands Governments have thus been presented with a fait accompli. The reaction has been swift. Britain and America have promptly " frozen " Japanese and (at China's request) Chinese assets in their respective territories ; the Netherlands East Indies have sus- pended exchange transactions with Japan ; and these three countries are now in a position to curtail to any extent their supplies or receipts of goods to or from Japan. * *