1 AUGUST 1931, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SFECrATOR.]

Sta,—Mrs. Binstead's letter in your paper is Written under a misapprehension. The R.S .P.C.A. has no existence and no

policy apart from its members. It is the members who by their votes decide -what shall be the immediate policy on any subject.

The members have decided by a poll which exhibited a very large majority that the Society should forthwith proceed with measures to prohibit stag hunting. What else they may decide to do in the future neither Mrs. Binstead nor anyone else can foretell.

The members certainly have not decided to do anything so foolish as either to alter the title of the Society, or to promote a score of Bills in Parliament all at once to please a very small number of members.—I am, Sir, &e.,

The Ford, Chobharn.