The British Queen, which sailed from Portsmouth for New York
on the afternoon of the 1st instant, was spoken on the I lth, ten days out, in lat. 46 deg. 26 min., long. 35. The Britannia. which sailed front Liverpool for Halifax and Boston on the afternoon of the 4th instant, was spoken on the forenoon of the 14th, in lat. 46 deg. long 43 deg. She would reach HaliMx probably on the 170), and Boston on the 19th, and make the passage out under fifteen days.
Notwithstanding the unsettled position of affairs at present existing between this country and the Chinese empire, our merchants do not relax altogether in their shipinents to that part of the globe, as several -vessels have recently been despatched from Liverpool and London with full cargoes to China. It is, however, necessary to remark, that the following clause has in most instances been inserted in the bills of lading,—namely, should the ports of' Linda or Tong Koo not be open, the consignees to be allowed forty (Lys in the outer anchorages to re- ceive the goods. Should the outer anchorages be deemed unsafe, the ship is to proceed to any other neighbouring port in China (except Canton) open to the British. or to .Ilaoilta, and there land and deliver the goods to the shipper's orders. lion such orders are there, then to land and deposit them with such commercial house as the consignees of the ship may deem secure. By a private letter from Bombay, dated the 2:3d of May, which has only just been received, owing to an error in the address, we find that the hurricane in the Bay of Bengal, alluded to in the letters by the last overland mail. had proved more disastrous to the shipping than was formerly stated to have been the case ; having dismasted or driven back three large transports laden with stores and troops for China: but as several vessels are on their way home with cargoes of tea, and others known to have been loading, these supplies, added to the stock on hand, amounting at the present period to nearly .50,000,000 lbs., show that no fears need be entertained of' any exorbi- tant prices being demanded for the article for a long period to come. We have already seen, that notwithstanding the rupture which has -taken place with the Chinese, they have always, through one medium or the other, shown sufficient cunning to dispose largely of their staple article. The next accounts from China may probably be delayed longer than usual, in consequence of the prevalence of the South-west monsoon.— Times.
A letter from Mr. Waghorn requests us to aid in relieving the public mind of' the erroneous impression that the plague continues its virulence in Egypt. Mr. Waghorn says, that the 24th day of June was kept as a day of rejoicing in Egypt, on account of the almost total disappearance of the plague ; einc e which time it may be expected to have become extinct. July returns to find Paris uneasy and excited. The tailors have beep holding meetings ; and the shoemakers followed their example. k meeting to pay a tribute to the memory of Armand Carrel, art:stadia, grave and statue, was interrupted by an orator who inveighed againsta; moderate Republicanism of Carrel's school. The great Trojan haa which stands in the Louvre to be decorated, and to carry the boneta the dead of July to the Bastile columns, is another source of quietude, attracting crowds and attention. It is said that this is the last time of celebrating the days of July, and that consequently the business of interment must be conducted with due pomp.
"It is confidently stated," says the Journal des Daiats,"(bat it the intention of Government to carry the effective force of the tinny a to 500 000 men, in order to form an army of observation on ta Northern frontier, and to fit out ten sail of the line."
Lady Bulwer has withdrawn her appeal against the judgment of the 27th March, in favour of Messrs. Lawson and Thackeray.
wife, which the Colonel went to Brussels on purpose to meet, cameo, hearing before the Court of Assizes at Brussels on Friday, and occultist the Court the whole of that day and Saturday. The ease, of which the following is a brief report, had front its nature attracted unusual inters; and the court was on both days completely crowded. The singular accusation brought against Colonel Kent aniteurroalynebey: was left in the hands of M. Cloquette, the Substitute of the Procures? do Roi of Brussels ; and Colonel Murray was defended by M. Dolez, of the Belgian bar, and M. Charles Lethal, of Paris, who appearede the Colonel's friend. Mrs. Murray, who haul been separated from tile Colonel for some years, and was living with Mr. Grant at Brussels, stated, that as site was riding on horseback in Brussels on the 23d fits vember, she saw her husband in the street ; that he fired at her,* wounded the horse of the groom who was riding with her. She further declared that she saw the Colonel at Brussels twice afterwards. at • believed that he cattle to Brussels for the purpose of taking away let child. She admitted that she was separated from her husband, and said it was because he had ill-treated her. Colonel Murray, being ealled upon, declared in the most solemn manner that during the last two yeas he had not been in Brussels nor even within a hundred miles of the city. Upon this, Mrs. Murrayf underwent a long series of cross.
examinations from the bench and the counsel for the Colonel; and hat scam
also to answer questions front one of the Jury. But site maintained he the P
conviction that it was Colonel Murray whom she saw on the 2314 reada %ember, when the servant's horse was wounded ; and that the Colonel - near carried a thief: brown cane, which has been supposed to be an am-gun, - and which he raised with both his hands at the moment the horse las wounded. The account of the occurrence was confirmed by the groom; and the pone de chambre of Mrs. Murray also swore that she as the Colonel in Brussels at the time. Mr. Grant, whose servant was tilt groom who attended her, merely stated that the man on his return hone related that the horse had been wounded by a shot front the has. band of Mrs. Murray, and that a veterinary surgeon who examined the wound of the horse declared that it had been made by a ball. M. Ledru elicited from Mr. Grant, that lie had fougls a duel with Colonel Murray, who challenged him because he conceived his honour was injured by his (Mr. Grant's) ordering him to quit his house when he canto to claim his wif,t, who had required his protection. The house was hired in Mr. Grant's immune, but .11n. Murray paid the ,rent. On the other hand, Mrs. Kent Murray, the mother of the Colonel, deposed, that during the whole of November he was living with her in Paris in the Rue Montaigne ; and in corrobora tion produced a journal she was in the habit of keeping, which she showed in court, and from wbielt entries were read by the President, proving beyond all question that her son was resident in her housea Paris on the 23a of November, and for several days before and alter that date. After M. Charles Ledru had delivered al) impressive speech in behalf of the Colonel, an,' produced a certificate signed by General Sir de Lacy Evans, that Coloael Murray had entered the Auxiliary Army in Spain as a simple volunteer, amid raised himself by his brave and honourable conduct to the rank of Colonel, and gained five crosses, the President summed up the evidence, and the Jury retired. In a few minutes they returned, and fully acquitted the Colonel upon every point of the indictment. Upon this M. Charles Ledrn moved the Court to pronounce a judgment with 50,000f. damages against Mrs. Murray and Mr. Grant for a false and calumnious accusation. This gave rise to
smite discussion ; but the Court, after a long deliberation, decided that fo this application must be refused, because the verdict of the Jury dud Is
not amount to a declaration that the accusation was calumnious. vi