Zbe Qrottrt.
THE Queen and Prince Albert honoured the Marquis; of Westminster with their company on Wednesday, at his residence in [timer Grosvenor Street. The Duke and Dutchess de Nemours took their departure front Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, for Goodwood. There have been no festivities at the Palace this week, beyond the regular dinner-parties.
The Queen Dowager is continuing her visits in the country, and is everywhere received with marked respect from the people. Slue pro- ceeds generally by railway if possible, and remains but a short time at any place. In the early parl of the week her Majesty was at the Lakes; and on Wednesday night she arrived at Alton Towers, the scat of the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury.
The bulletins of the Princess Augusta's health have been this week more favourable. The answer yesterday tot inquiries at Clarence House, was " The Princess Augusta has had another very good night." The Duke of Sussex and the Dutchess of Inverness gave a splendid entertainment on Tuesday, not Kensington Palace, to tlw Prince and Princess of Capna, the Duke Enid Dutchess of Leeds, the Duke Don Filippo Lante, Saturday was the birthday of the Dutchess of Cambridge. Her Royal Highness received visits of congratulation in the course of the day from Prince Albert, the Dutchess of Kent, the Duteliess of Glou- cester, the Duke of Sussex, told the Duke and Dutchess de Nemours, The Duke of Cambridge attended the Concerts d'Eta at Drury Lane Theatre on Thursday. The Dutchess of Cambridge and the two Princesses embarked from Dover yesterday morning, for Calais, in the Wideeon Admiralty steamer.