At a meeting of the Lenin and Brighton Railway Company
on Wednesday, it was stated that the whole of the works are imogressing very satisffictorily ; and the 1ns-et:tors confidently ant i(tipate they shall be able to open as far as I lay ward's Death, no distance of thirty-seven miles from London, by Midsenoner nest, all(1 throughout, to Brighton, in the early part of 'text autumn. It was further mated, that the total cost of the line would not sax cued 1,t-00.000f. ; in raising which the Di- rectors would have recourse to ;mother call.
At a public meeting of the coffeehouse-keepers of' the Metropolis, held on Motslay I:V(231111g 01 Auldell,)11-ti Fleet Street, it was resolved, in consequence of th.- high prises or tea and sugar, " that a rise of one penny per pint on to'. i end (sans. tala. plass- in order to meet the high price of midi articles ; the in ta isteset by a committee." The committee met on Weduesday itio,doe, eel decided that such rise tette place. It was also reaolved unanimensty, " that it is expedient to form a society for the protection of peoperty sul»nittel for public use."
The whole of Ow wharfs, Intildinss, d-.yslling-honses, sheds, and two public-houses in I lieh St re, t, Wappines which slivered all area of' about 200 feet. by 70 in depth, parr:, t,cd for the formation of the footway descent into the Thames Tette...0, have Is-es entirely removed, and pre- parations ffir sinkieg the sir,II '00 the .7.-;:trth shore, itpoa the site of the latiklings, have ttleasdy coins:smash l'he wharf will be extended about t2-1 feet into the river ; and Wierkaleil have lawn for some time employed iou pile-drivings and fOr111.111 0.1:1110011kaleld, Oil no portion of' which the shaft will be formed. The no orbs below are proesetling with great ac- tivity ; and that part of the tmtnel oil..ted is in a very wound state. The tunnel s ill be optmed for f an t.assorneers early next spring.