1 AUGUST 1835, Page 12


Arrived—Off Plymouth, July 25th; the Diamond. Smith, from the Cape. Off Torbay. 291h, Duke of Argyle, Bristow, from Bengal. Off Falmouth, 27th, Mansfield, Wit- llama, from Van Diemen's Land. At St. Helena, June 5th, Camilla. Wilson. from Van Diemen's Lawl ; 8th, Olive Branch, Stirling, from the Cape,; 9th. Henry. Blowy, from New South. wales: 10th, Susan, Addison. from Bengal: and Faaourite. Cobb. from Singapore; 1111,, Mandarin, Al 'Donal. from China ; 12th, Sir C. Malcolm, Lyon,

Gant ditto; Cestrian. Killich, from Bengal ; and Urania. Dunn, flom 'o u.

Sailed—From Gravesend, July 28th, British Sovereign. Brown, for New South Wales; and 31st. Triumph, Green. for Bombay. From Bristol. '2801, Elizabeth. Candy, for Mauritius. From Liverpool. 25tH, Fairy Queen, Holmes, for China; and 29th, Jessie. Bell, for New South Wales.