The Sun publishes a fourth edition, with the following announce-
ment of an attempt to assassinate a clergyman at St. Paul's- The Sun publishes a fourth edition, with the following announce- ment of an attempt to assassinate a clergyman at St. Paul's- " This afternoon, during the service at St. Paul's, which commenced at three o'clock, just as the Reverend Mr. Haden, the officiating clergyman, had com- menced the prayer for the Queen, a man who was seated among the congrega- tion in the Choir, stepped forward and presented a pistol at the Reverend gentleman. There was immediately a cry raised among the congregation, "A pistol! a pistol!" and those who were near the miscreant instantly rushed upon him, and disarmed him before he had time to discharge his weapon. The Bishop of Llandaff, who was present, stopped the service; and the man was secured, given into custody, and taken to the Stationhouse. After which the service proceeded."
"The assassin was searched as soon as he was arrested, and the pistol was examined: it was found to be loaded with a small quantity of powder and shot. The Bishop of Llandaff questioned him as to his name and residence but he refused to give either. On being conveyed to the Stationhouse in Black. Horse
information he refused to give any as to who lie was, or his motives. He is a young man, apparently not twenty years of age. He was attired in a brown frock coat, and his appearance is that of a person moving in a respect- able station of society. He will be brought up for examination at Guildhall on Monday."