At Stafford Assizes, on Thursday, Thomas Cooper, Joseph Cappur, and
John Richards, were convicted of conspiracy and sedition ; Cappur being recommended to mercy. Cooper addressed inflamatory language to a meeting at Hanley on the 15th of August last ; and the persons composing the meeting marched about the district, that night, burn- lag the houses of Dr. Vale and others. The trial commenced on the 20th of March ; and it was prolonged principally in consequence of the extravagant length and minuteness of the cross-examinations by the prisoners and their defence. Sergeant Talfourd stated, that, in deference to the Jury, Cappur would not be brought up for judgment. Cooper, addressing theJadge, (Mr. Justice Erskine,) said, the defendants felt deeply indebted to his Lordship for his kindness and courtesy daring the whole of that protracted investigation, and he was worthy of the name of Erskine. The Judge—" You had better say nothing about me." Judgment is deferred till next session.