19 SEPTEMBER 1903, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—You ask (Spectator, September 12th) if there is any evidence as to the frequency with which Bishop Andrewea received the Holy Communion. There is. In the Bishop's Life, written by his amanuensis, H. Isaacson, it is stated that his practice was to communicate monthly. And Bishop Buckeridge in his funeral sermon on the Bishop says, with apparent surprise, that he received the Holy Communion every month in his episcopal chapel, even though he had had to receive it at Court once already during the past month. Monthly Communion was also the practice of Bishop Cosin, and he says that that was the normal rule or custom of the English Church in the seventeenth century (" Regni Angliae Religio Catholica ").—I am, Sir, &c., F. MEYRICE. Blickling.