On the ;t11 of September Lisbon remained in an unsettled
state. It was reported that the Court had become alarmed, and that the Queen was conic poem's' disposed to listen to the advice of those who recom- mend a ellans.! of Ministry, and to intrust Viscount Sa tie Bandeira with the f .rination of a new- Cabinet. The Sixth (the revolted) Batta- lion kid been isolated" at Castello Branco ; and an insurrection at Portalegre, promoted by some of the insurgents from Castello Branco, had been suppressed.
So say some accounts ; others, on the contrary, represent the dis- order among the soldiery as increasing, and various trouts are men- tioned as having joined the disaffected. It is now said th .t Major Cabral :111(1 Commander Franca, who had taken refuge on board the French corvere in the 'f:: his, have managed to find their way to the mutineers in Algarve.