19 OCTOBER 1934, Page 6

I suppose some millions of money must have been sunk

in the vain endeavour to get oil'froth. Coal" On a commercial basis, -and :yet the attempts go on: It is a good thing thei do, for the only hope of reStoritig our coal industry is in the conversion of its products to oil. Congenitally sceptical, I merely record What are said to be the proved results of anew process about 6, he put in operation on a large scale. The single small plant so far at work at Cannock Chase has been regularly producing , 15 gallons of high:clas s motor-spirit ..and 15 cwt. of , excellent smokeless fuel, as well -as Other bye-products, from every ton of coal treated. I first heard of the process eighteen months or more ago and have had unofficial reports of its progress constantly since. There may still prove to be a snag somewhere, but so high an authority as Dr. C. H. Lander, who was Director of Fuel Research for eight years, set out to find one and has completely failed. If :this process, and the Imperial Chemical Industries enterprise at Dillingham, do justify themselves there will be a new prospect before British coalfields. One difference between the two is that the Cannock process is designed to be developed through a number of small local units, not one vast central plant.