19 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 60

The Boy's Own Annual. (R.T.S. 8s.)—This volume can always be

relied upon for an immense amount of excellent entertainment. Aeroplanes, coin-collecting, Boy Scouts, the Panama Canal, and Antarctic travel are a few among the subjects dealt with in articles on every topic that can conceivably appeal to boy readers. The editor is evidently a believer in the charm of variety, and he is to be congratulated on such an attainment of his ideal. Then there are the stories, long and short, of school life or thrilling adventure. These are admirable, though the B.O.P. has to mourn the loss of two well-known writers, George Manville Fenn and Gordon Stables. There must be many among the boys and girls of to-day and yesterday who will echo the expressions of sorrow and regret printed here.