19 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 60


of Christmas books and cards, the needs of the blind are remembered by their tried friends, the editors of the Weekly Summary, Shere, Surrey. The provision made by them is on the same lines as in former years, and, so far from a falling-off, the quality this year is of high merit, judged even by their own standard. There is a big-dot Text Calendar (1s.) for the benefit of inexpert fingers ; a Kipling Calendar (1s.), with quotations, racy and earnest, taken from his poems ; the ninth series of monthly "Day by Day" devotional thoughts (8d.), culled from thinkers ranging from Seneca through Archbishop, Bishop, and divine to Marion Crawford; Christmas cards of the real Christmas kind, but modern enough to include among the new designs an aeroplane. There is also a Christmas Supple- ment to the newspaper, a story by E. S. Phelps, purchasable separately for 6d., but presented to all subscribers. The handy and compact Weekly Summary (annual subscription 8s. 81), true to its name, summarises from the daily papers the news of the week; a more desirable gift could hardly be found for a blind reader than a subscription to a paper which, while steering clear of party bias, satisfies the general desire to know what is going on, and keeps its tone high and its outlook broad.