"entertain angels." The "strange little girl" is not exactly an
angel, but she is what some people would think better, a Princess, and those who are kind and those who are not kind to
her come by their deserts.—In Gervan and the Magic Castle, by
B. V. Harvey (same publishers, is. 6d.), and the two stories which follow it, we are taken into fairyland, modern fairyland, which is
made as like the old familiar region as can be expected.—The same publishers also send us a new edition of Wanted, a King, by Maggie Brown (2s.), with Illustrations by Harry Furniss ; and The Book of Betty Barber, by the same author, with Illustra- tions by Arthur Rackham (3s. tld. net). As a book it is new, but
it appeared in Little Folks magazine ten years ago. We are very glad to have it in this form ; the pictures have been coloured, it is explained, with Mr. Rackham's permission, by Mr. Harry Rountree.