name will have a good idea of what it -
contains. To make out that Papal Rome is Babylon, the city of abominations, is the thesis to the proving of which Dr. Cumming has devoted himself. Whether he has made it or not, at all events he has made himself famous. Even the Pope is acquainted with "Dr. Cumming of Scotland." And every ono will be familiar with the historical illustrations and proofs which the writer employs. Beyond all doubt there is force in them. The "Revelation" sets forth under symbols all human evils, and history illustrates them. But then one might collect not a few proofs to make out that any Church is Babylon. Imagine, for instance, a catalogue of the enormities which Calvinistic communities have committed! Dr. Cumming "trusts that he has not used an expression calculated to give offence or pain to the humblest or most sensitive adherent of the Church of Rome." This is true courtesy; but then it will not be extended beyond this world. In another Dr. Cumming will, he gives us to under- stand, feel the heartiest delight in the unspeakable torment of these "adherents of the Church of Rome. "Surely," he says, "it must be a terrible and unparalleled guilt that shuts off its authors and its victims from all compassion and sympathy in Heaven or on earth." We fancy that Dr. Cumming will not have much power hereafter ; it is certainly well that his hands are tied here. This is the true stuff that inquisitors are made of.