'On the 9th inst. at Preston Rectory, Salop, Mrs. WILLIAM TAYLOR BIRDS, of a son.
• On the 11th inst. at the Vicarage, Dagenham, Essex, the Lady of the Rev. T. L FANSHAWS, of a son.
On the 14th inst. iu Palace Yard, Westminster, the Lady of E. W. BLUNT, Esq of Enham House, Hants, of a son.
• On the 15th inst. the Lady of the Hon. G. C. NORTON, of a son. • On the 11th inst. in Cavendish Square, the Lady of STEPHEN EDWARD THORN.. TON, Esq. of a daughter. On the 10th inst. at York, the Lady of the Hon. P. STOURTON, of a daughter. At Shenstone Lodge, near Lichfield, the Lady of Admiral PARSER, of a daughter. At Cortacby Castle, the Countess of Ar RUE, of a daughter. On the 14th inst., at Gouldaboroogh Hall, Yorkshire, the LADY Lou ISA LAS - r■Csiiss, of a son.
On the 15th inst. at St. Marylebone, WILLIAM HENRY Dinverost, Esq. of Con- naught Square, son of Benjamin Newton, Esq. of Charlton, Kent, to HELEN ANNA, ypungest daughter of James Taylor, Esq. of Wlmpole Street. At St. Columb, E. COLLINS, Esq. of Trutham, Cornwall, to Miss DRAKE, niece to Lord and Lady Clinton.
In France, the Rev. H. DALTON, of St. John's, Wolverhampton, to SOPHIA GERALDINE, daughter of Lord Fitzgerald. At Ballycurvan Castle, the seat of Captain Lynch, of Mayo, Mr. P. LYNCH jun. of Clogher, eldest son of P. Lynch, Esq., to ALICIA, eldest daughter of Captain Lynch. DEATHS.
On the 10th inst. at his house in Abbey Street, Dublin, in his 36th year, JOSEPH BENny LEECH. Esq. a gentleman for fourteen years connected with the public Press of this City.
On the 16th inst. in his 78th year, at his house in Sorry Street, Strand, Mr. JOHN NEILL, brother-in-law of the late Rev. Alexander Waugh, D.D.