19 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 1


No public intimation has yet been given respecting the meeting of Parliament "for the dispatch of business ; " but a Council will be held on Monday, by which, it is supposed, the day will be defi- nitively fixed. The impression, that the meeting will take place before Christmas, has for some time been gradually wearing away. Ministers, it is supposed, still calculate that Time, which is said to change all things, will effect some change in the Peers. They forget that the maximus novator is himself a sturdy enemy to Reform; he never makes any thing better.

As the period of Parliament's assembling approaches, the pub- lic, as usual, are entertained with various rumours, new hatched to the time, of alterations in the Cabinet. The Ministers, it is said, quail ; the King cools. We believe both hypotheses—for they are mere hypotheses—to be utterly unfounded. The Minis- ters are slow and hesitating, and their means are often indifferently chosen, but they are no traitors. For the King, we believe he will be found, like all his race, true to the course he has chosen. No Brunswick has ever turned his back on his friend or his enemy. But our trust is not in Princes. If the present Ministry were weak and worthless enough to deceive the People, the power of the King is insufficient to maintain. them in place for a week; if they continue true to their word; the power of the King is insufficient to maintain their opponents for a week. Unions are extending on every side.These are better per- suaders Allan Time. Even Lords will turn aside when they cannot go on. The Cholera still serves for an argument to the doctors, and a bugbear to old women, male and female. Rational persons have almost ceased to speak of it, and fear it no longer.