19 MAY 1900, Page 14


was very pleased to note in your article, "Lord Salis- bury and Rifle Clubs," your proposition "that the Govern- ment should pass an Act allowing Parish Councils to acquire a suitable rifle range and also give an annual grant to the Parish Council based upon the amount of use made of the range." I am quite sure that in villages the Parish Council is the body which would best carry out your suggestions, draw- ing as it does its members chiefly from the class most interested in the defence of the country and most willing to work in such a cause. Though the Local Government Act, 1894, encouraged, or at least made it easy for, working men to become members of Parish Councils, quite 75 per cent. of these members are country gentlemen, farmers, or successful business men. How willingly such men would work for the defence of their country, and would give if necessary material aid! By all means give powers such as you suggest to Parish Councils; they cannot do harm and will probably do incal- culable good. I may add I am taking up your suggestion of calling a meeting to consider the formation of rifle clubs and hope to meet with success.—I am, Sir, &o., A. J. BENNETT,