At the sale of Lord Northwick's pictures, on Saturday last,
the por- trait of Sir Robert Walpole, painted by Vanderbank, was purchased by Sir Robert Peel, for 31 guineas. Shakspeare's autograph has been purchased by Mr. Miller, Lam. beth, for 1001. It consists only of the name of the poet, written upon the fly.leaf of a copy of Florio's translation of Montaigne's essays, 1603; but it is his only autograph, with the exception of that to his will and some mortgage-deeds, now unaccountably lost or mislaid. A company formed at Paris for exploring the ruins of Carthage has already met with great success. A large house hits been discovered on the margin of the sea, near Bourj.Jedid. Paintings in fresco, similar to those at Pompeii, adorn many of the rooms ; and beautiful mosaics, representing men, women, and nymphs, fishes of various kinds, tigers, gazelles, &c. have been found. Fifteen cases with these precious relics have arrived at Toulon, and will be brought to Paris. The price of lodgings at Milan is said to have been augmented to an enormous extent, on account of the coining coronation there. Since Charles the Fifth, no .potentate has been crowned King of Italy, except Napoleon.