1. Blue? Get your high horse! (6)
4. Bit of ribbon is barred and 'so 311• goes by the board (8)
Y. How does the artist strike the surgeon? (6) 1.
20. Fish should be plump (4) 25. Pictures on the wall (8) 14. 10. The kind of poverty experienced 2.
23, What's that fresh music we hear I I.
27. What Miss Otis was regretfully 28. Round the world (6) 17. 12. '0 soft -- of the still midnight'
13. !lame, James. for the papers (6) 15. You can get a rise out of Dad 19. Architect of Spanish castles (10) 1('. folly vegetarians catered for
by sharpers? (8) ( Keats) (8) (4) 6.
here (10) 7.
in Eden? (6) prevented from doing (8) 8. 3.
How Jacob got a dislocated • 18. thigh (8)
Spiritually 29 (6) 19.
DOWN Barrow accountants? (7) Do its leaves rank with those of the strawberry? (9) It's Bella's turn for tags (6) 'It was a miracle of -- device' (Coleridge) (4) Supporting male cast for 007? (81 Tear-jerker in a dug out (5) Mortal to whom Othello de- claimed his last farewell (7) Porsena comes up about night• fall in a particular way (7) 'And blessings on the falling out That all the more -' (Ten- nyson (7) Unwilling hero of Act 11 (9) The puppy has his teeth in little Lizzic (8) Code for a new lad (4-3) Made such a fuss at the back (7) Wooden god facing the wall (6) A divine poet (5) Scat offered by a bottleholder (4) Solution next week
24. 26.