[To THE EDITOR or THE " EIFECTLTOR21 Sia, — Stimulated by Mr.
W. W. Reid's experiment, I last night made a similar one on my own book-shelves. Third shelf, eighth book, counting from right to left, fourteenth page, three-quarters down the page. The book was Be cit d'une Sceur, Vol. II. The passage reads :—
" Je crois qu'il desire sa panvre amie, quelque indigne quelle soft, pour completer son bonheur. Douce ides), qui snrvit grande et ferme Is tons mes troubler. Jamais je ne puts croire Is son amour fini pour moi. Je Buis done sine de la revoir."
Three books further to the left is Autour de la Lune, by Jules Verne, "which tells of great spaces, large great spaces, which tells of the stars," and four books away on the right John Oliver Hobbes's The Dream and the Business, with T. Fisher Unwin's perfectly round trade mark. So Bohn's trade mark is not unique, as Mr. Reid supposes, and your editorial query is justified. One almost begins to think Lady Glenconner's medium has an eerie acquaintance with all country house
libraries!—I am, Sir, &c., PRYER'', Tea:mini.. Sandybrook Hall, Ashbourne.