19 MARCH 1831, Page 9

THE KING.On Friday last;the King returned to Windsor,. where he

remained till Wednesday. On Wednesday, his Majesty arrived in town early, for the purpose of holding a Court and levee. At the Court, Ad- miral Digby was invested with the Order of Knight Commander of the Bath. At the levee which followed, the following presentations took place:— The Lord Chancellor, with the followingaddresses, approving of the Still before Parliament for Pmliainmitary Reform—viz. From the Stu- dents of the Inns of Court. From the Mmor, Aldermen, and others of the town of Notting- ham. Flom the four trading Incorporations of Leith. From the Incorporation of Rimers at Perth. From the Incorporation of Caulkers of Cupar, Fife. From the Parish of All Saints, Poplar. From the Inhabitants of the borough

of Leeds In public meeting.

Earl Grey, with the following addresses to the King, on the introduction of the Refonn Bill into Parliament From the Inhabitants of ha stings. From the Incorporation of the Mer- chants of Leith. From the Wright incorpora- tion, Perth. From the Hammermen Incorpo- ration, Perth. From the Inhabitants of the town of Rye. From the °Micky Incorporation of Perth. From the Merchants' House of Glasgow.. From the Inhabitants of Bihton. From the Inhabitants of .ftelfatt. From the Inhabitants and Burgesses of Nottingham. From the Incor- poration of Cordiner, Edinburgh. Front the Seven Incorporated Trades of Easter and Wester rertsburgh, Edinburgh. From the Inhabi- tants of Leith. From the Incorporation of Wes- Vera, Glasgow. Front the Operatives of Glasgow. From the Inhabitants of Christchurch. From the Incorporation of Hamrnermen of Easter and Wester Pertsburgh, Edinburgh. From the Magistrates, Town Council, Incorporated trades. Burgesses, and Inhabitams of the Wren of Irvine. From the Owners and Occupiers of Land in the rape of Hastings, Sus.ses.

Lord Durham, with an address from the Inhabi- tants of Sunderland and the Wearmouths, thanking his Majesty for the measure of Par- liamentary Reform, itc. dlr. J. liosgh, Mr. W. Lawrence, Mr. B. Wad- den, Mr. ti Pearce, and Mr. H. Purland, a deputation front the parizh of St. Leonard, Short:ditch, with an address to his Majesty, goraying the adoption of the Reform Bill, as brought forward Ily Lord John Russell, by Viscount Melbourne.

'The Lord Mayor, with an address from the %Void of Langbourne.

2.1r. Oliver Mason, high Bailiff of Birmingham, and Mr. Henry Smith, low Bailiff of Birming- ham, with an address to his Majesty, by Pis- Count Melbourne.

Sir P. Laurie, with an address from Ablersgate a Merman Ansley, with an address from the Ward 4read Street.

temp, with an address from the borough of ;es.

I. Protheroe and Mr. T. E. Baillie, M.P.

• an address from Bristol. in favour of the pun Bill, by Viscount Melbourne.

e Taylor (late Physician to hls Majesty), 'ft a loyal and congratulatory address front .e town and county of Poole, by Viscount Idellsoume. er A. :Valet, with a humble and loyal address &OM the Inhabitants of Marlborough and its vicinity, expressing their satisfaction at the plan of Referin introduced by his Majesty's


'The Earl of Tyrconnel, on receiving the Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. Sir F. Burdett, with a loyal _address front the city of Westminister.

Sir M. Ridley, with an address from Newcastle- upon-Tyne. Mr. liohltouse, M.P. with an address of thanks from the city of Westminster. • Sir W. Guise, Bart. comtnanding the East Glou- cester Militia, by Lord E. Somerset.

M. :Monteith. M.P. by the Duke of Montrose. Bev. Dr. It umphreys, cm his presentation by the

King to the Reentry of Tenby, by Sir ,Fultn

Gwen, Bart.

Mr. J. Holmes, Illqh Bailiff of the borough of Southwark. areompanied by Mr. Calvert and Sir R. Wilson, with is shitiful and ;oval ad- dress from the Inhabitants of Southwark.

It is said to be the intention of the King and Queen to visit the Italian Opera on Tuesday night. The last time that George the Fourth appeared in the Opera-house, was, we believe, during the visit of Alex- ander of Russia, in 1815; on which occasion his unfortunate partner was also present, though in a different part of the house. What a con- trast will the appearance of William the Fourth and his loving and loved Queen, rich ill each other's friendship, and in the undivided attachment of their approving subjects, present !

Mr. K. C. Pergosson, M.P. with a petition from the West India Proprietors and those coo- (meted with the West India Colonies, now re- siding in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, in Scotland.

Mr. Hume, to present addresses from the Inhabi- tants of Marylebone ; from the Magistrates, Council, and Inhabitants of the Royal burgh of Forfar, from the Inhabitants of the Royal burgh of Lanark, tiatf, and from the Inhabitants Oh the Royal burgh &Berrie. Earl Minto, by the Lord its Waiting. Mr. Jesse, by Colonel Fitsclarenee.

Rev. E. S. !moist/Moe. by the Duke of Gordon. Lord Loraine, by the Doke of Northumberland. Mr Children, setretary tu the Royal Society, by the Duke of Sussex.

Mr. II. Alexander, by Colonel Fitrularence, Dr. Roam, by the Duke of Sus,,eic.

Mr. J. Daly, to present a memorial, by the Duke of Wellington.

Hon. Lietn..001. Knox, M.P. by the Adj..Gen. Mr. Lubbock, by the Duke of Sussex.

Mr. D. Coventry, by the Marquis of Chandos. Col. Sir A. Hickson, .C. II. A ide-de.cantp to his

Majesty, on his marriage, by Sir J. Keuipt. Rev, Dr. S hepherti, by Lieut.-Gen. Hodgson,

Cul, of the ttal Regt. Lord P. Osborne, by the Earl of Chichester. Hon. Capt. Keith, R.N. by the Duke of Gordon. lion. J. Grey, by the Duke of Gordon.

Mr. Honig, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, by the Duke of Sussex.

Col. Tempest, lot 'loyal, or Lancashire Militia, by Lord Stanley.

Ma) -Gen. Sir J. Malcolm, G.C.B. out his return troin India.

Rev. Mr. Courtenay, by the Bishop of Winchester. Mr. L. Campbell, 16th Mueslis, Lancers, by Sir G. Murray. Viscount Ennismore, by Lord Byron. Mr. Feeder, with an address from Barnstaple. Capt. Bruce, R.N. by Sir A. Barnard. K.C.B. Lieut. Stamford, on Itis return front India, by the Earl of Oxford.

Lieut. Coulson, R.N. on ammintmtnt to his Ma- jesty's ship Alfred, by Sir T. Hardy.

Capt. Cockell, WI his return from India, by Sir W.

Major Hartley, by Earl Tirconnei.

Capt. G. Stone, by I ieut•Gen. Hodgson. Commander Yule, by Sir T. Hardy.

Capt. Sir *I'. Trowbridge. on his appointment to his Majesty's ship Stag, by sir .1. Graham. Capt. W. Baer, by Sir It. Baker. Major Trevor. by Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. lialkett. Major Lord W. Paulet, by the Marquis of Win- chester.

Lieut. II. Ogle, R.N. by Gen. Hon. Sir H. Grey, K.C.II.

Lieut. Oldmison, by Sir J. Graham.

Lieut. Auld a, by Lieut.-Cul. Fox. Lieut. T. P: Clarke. by Sr T. Hardy. Mr. Hodgson. M.P. bj. Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart. Lieut. Readily, by Lieut.-Col. Fox.