— Portrait of the Week
A WEEK OF DESPERATE ACTION: at the eleventh hour Governor Scranton challenged Senator Gold- water for the Republican nomination, and was begrudgingly supported by Mr. Nixon and Governor Rockefeller. Nelson Mandela was found guilty of sabotage in South Africa, and was moved to Robben Island for a life sentence. The Governor of British.Guiana declared a state of emergency following racial strife and detained thirty politicians, leaving the governing party with a minority in the Legislative Assembly. After years of threats and promises, Russia signed a treaty with East Germany, promising twenty years of friendship and avoiding mention of West Berlin.
BRITISH POLITICAL LIFE TRUNDLED ON, with the last by-election of the 1959 Parliament presenting Labour with a freakish 12 per cent swing against the Government. Mr. Butler emerged from his cocoon, to reveal that he is going for talks to Moscow, and Mr. Callaghan ,threatened to reveal details of industrial donations to the Tory Party. Lord Lambton published a vitriolic booklet on the Shadow Cabinet, and a Northants industrialist claimed he was cancelling plans for a £40,000 factory after reading Mr. Wilson's speech on industrial development. Mr. Wilson said there might be a case for an independent inquiry into public opinion polls. The trade gap shrank by £40m.
MR. BROOKE DECIDED to clamp down on clip- joints in Soho, Mr. Marples set up a car study group to examine the possibilities of folding and sideways-driven cars, and racing cars were warned off practising on the MI at 180 m.p.h. Road deaths went up by 19 per cent, British Railways' loss fell last year by £22m, and London Transport re- vealed that in spite of increased pay it had lost a further 700 staff since Christmas. BBC-2 is to have a major shake-up after only two months on the air, while its TAM rating has fallen from 14 to 10 per cent in one month. The channel, however, is to be extended to the Midlands in the autumn. Lord Denning survived an onslaught in the Court of Appeal, when an unsuccessful litigant .threw legal textbooks at him. Billy Butlin was given a knighthood in the Birthday Honours, while ex- Cabinet Ministers Watkinson and Maclay were rewarded with viscountcies two years after they were sacked in the Macmillan purge.
THE US SENATE VOTED to end its filibuster on the Civil Rights Bill and Southern Rhodesia an- nounced that it was making one 'last effort' to get independence from the UK. President Makarios proposed the health of the Queen in Nicosia, at what must have been the frostiest diplomatic re- ception of the year, while Dr. Castro did the same in Havana. Indonesia agreed on a £1m order for chassis from Vauxhall, Mrs. Valentina Nikolayev gave birth to the first space baby, and West Germany launched the world's third nuclear ship. Meanwhile State Department war papers published-this week showed that in 1943 President Roosevelt advocated a complete break with General de Gaulle, but was dissuaded by Churchill, who still confided that he was 'utterly disgusted' with the Free French leader.
MOST TEA IS DRUNK in the North West of England, a food survey revealed. It added that spending on frozen foods had almost tripled in the past five years. Britain beat Yugoslavia in the Davis Cup, but their women players lost the Wightman Cup match against the US. An American pop singer displaced Miss Cilia Black at the head of the Top Ten, almost 450 people were injured in the crush when the Beatles arrived at Adelaide during the Australian tour, and the Yorkshire cricket team was invited to tour the United States.