19 JUNE 1909, Page 3

It was announced on Monday that the Welsh Disestablish- ment

Bill would be withdrawn without a second reading on the understanding that it will be the first measure taken next Session. On, the previous Thursday the Welsh Members decided to take steps to elicit the intentions of the Government, from the Prime Minister. Mr. Lloyd George, who attended the further meeting on Monday, made a statement to the above effect, and a resolution was carried, with only one dissentient—Mr. A. C. Edwards—accepting the terms pro- pounded. The sudden collapse of the revolt foreshadowed at Thursday's meeting has excited some surprise, but Mr. Lloyd George was doubtless able to make out' a good case for post- ponement in view of the present congestion of business and• the futility of a course which could only prejudice the ultimate chances of the Bill.. If next Session (if there is one) is to be devoted to Welsh Disestablishment, what is,to become of the promised Reforzia. Bill eta " Votes for Women " P Does any one seriously think that this Parliament will last to the middle of 1911 P