Rod for our backs
Sir: Each week, Rod Liddle’s column reminds me of the little girl of whom it was written that she hiked up her skirt to show she wasn’t wearing knickers. In the absence of a parent, or in Mr Liddle’s case an editor, one can only look away in embarrassment. So usually I have a quick look at the first paragraph and turn the page. Last week (Liddle Britain, 12 July) he compared a fat woman with ‘26 Ethiopians, if you put them in a blender, added some bleach’ etc... and her food with ‘an approximation of Shami Chakrabarti’s face’.
I glanced at his last sentence in which Mr Liddle suggested fat people should be kicked. I suppose this includes Winston Churchill.
Jonathan Mirsky
London W11
Sir: Rod Liddle is right about obesity. I am prepared to believe some people put on weight more easily than others. I am not prepared to believe that people are powerless to stop themselves becoming fat. Consume fewer calories than you burn and you lose weight; consume more than you burn and you gain weight. That is the reason you never see photos of fat concentration camp inmates — output exceeds intake.
I am about ten pounds heavier than I would like to be — nothing to do with genes, just lack of self-discipline and a liking for rather more chocolate than is wise. M. Tinney
Via email