19 JULY 1902, Page 23

111vstrated Catalogue of the National Poetrait Gallery. Edited by Lionel

Oust. 2 vols. (Cassell and Co. .26 6s.)—This work, of which the first volume only halappeared, is a fitting continuation of the catalogue of the National Gallery already published. Mr. cust has made some deviations from the early volume, upon which we congratulate him. Here we have something better than the absurd and exasperating alphabetical arrangement which reduced the National Gallery to. a chaos, mixing wildly all the schools of Europe. Instead the historical personages 'defile before us in chronological order. Another reform is that there are no verbal descriptions of the pictures as in the former catalogue, this being a senseless proceeding when a photographic reproduction of every picture is given. The present volume reaches to nearly the end of the eighteenth century.