19 JULY 1902, Page 16


pro THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,---I shall be very much obliged if you can find room for the accompanying note in the Spectator. I am very anxious to make the Bibliography as complete as possible, and hope through this note to reach Canadians now living in England.

Mr. Lawrence J. Burpee, of Ottawa, is preparing for the Royal Society of Canada a Bibliography of Canadian Publications issued during the year 1901. Re will be very grateful for data as to books, pamphlets, magazine articles, or papers in Society Transactions, by Canadians, published during 1901, and would especially like to know where books and pamphlets were pub- lished, and by whom, number of pages, and size, and in the case of articles, the month, and page where article begins. Mr. Burpee's address is 351 Stewart Street, Ottawa, Canada.