The election of a successor to Sir William Hamilton as Professor of Logic in the University of Edinburgh took place on Tuesday. The elec- tion is in the Town-Council; and the canvass had excited great interest. There were three candidates. The Lord Provost nominated and Mr. Stephenson seconded Mr. Fraser, of the Free Church College. Baillie Kay proposed and Dr. Sibbald seconded Professor Ferrier, of St. An- drews. Dr. Renton proposed and the Dean of Guild seconded Principal Scott, of Owen's College, Manchester. On the first division, Mr. Ferrier polled 12, Mr. Fraser 11, and Mr. Scott 8. The name of the lowest candidate was struck off the list, and the Council divided on the other two nominations ; Mr. Fraser now had 17 votes, Mr. Ferrier had 14; consequently Mr. Fraser was elected.