19 FEBRUARY 1916, Page 15


[TO TUX EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sut,—The recent scarcity-of eggs and-the abnormally. high prices ruling have drawn attention, as .nothing else would, to the enormous extent to which we are dependent upon other coun- tries for this commodity. The imports of eggs in 1915 were 94,000 tons less than in 1913, and of poultry 6,100 tons, and it: is obvious that with the enormous reduction of breeding stock- abroad -many years must elapse -before -the figures of 1913 are again reached In!the meanwhile prices should- be. high, so that,.

ith:the reduction in the cost of foodstuffs, poultry-keeping should be profitable. -Undoubtedly. .many persons—including, it is suggested, disabled soldiers--will seeka living from poultry-, ,keeping -not . having any knowledge of those essential detailsl Arithout .whicb,poultry cannot be made' to pay, and it is of the ititmost importance that there should be some body to which such

people can resort for guidance. The Utility Poultry Club, which is the only large society capable of giving this assistance, minis- ters, as far as it can, to the wants of its seventeen hundred members upon a minimum subscription of 2s. 6d. ; but the income from this source is insufficient to meet more than the general administrative work, the Laying Competitions and the Burbage Experiments being carried out by means of grants from the Treasury out of the Development Fund. In order to put the Club in a position to render the necessary asaistanoe to the industry, a seheme of reconstruction has been approved of which will require an income of about £500 per annum. Towards , this sum about £200 has been promised by members, and an attempt is now being made to secure the remainder by the enrolment of new members. The scheme has been submitted to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, and has the approval and sympathy of the President, who wishes it every success. We, therefore, are asking for support by subscriptions and donations to enable the Club to help an industry of such national importance. Particulars of the Club, with copies of the scheme, ,&c., can be had of the Hon. Secretary, Mr. H. E. Ivens, 7$ Clarendon Road, Putney, S.W., who will answer all inquiries.—

'We are, Sir, &c., B. W. HORNE, President.

G. C. GLYN, D.S.O., Col., Vice-President. The Utility Poultry club,

78 Clarendon Road, Putney, S.W.

[We trust the Club will get funds to carry out the very useful scheme outlined above.—En. Spectator.]