19 FEBRUARY 1842, Page 18


P'ross Fisbruaryllth to February lilt.


System of Universal Geography, founded on the Works of Mame-Bann and BALM.; embracing a historical sketch of the progress of Geogra- phical discovery, the principles of mathematical and physical geography, and a complete description, frorn the most recent sources, of the political

and social condition of all the countries in the world; with numerous statistical tables, and an alphabetical index of 12,000 names.

[This work, whose appearance in parts we have duly chronicled, is now com- pleted ; and it forms a very comprehensive geography, embracing the latest dis- coveries. The original idea was an abridgment of MALTE-Betires celebrated work ; but on further consideration, the plan of Behar was adopted as a more perspicuous and systematic arrangement. In reality, however, the System of Universal Geography is rather founded upon those works, than either an abridgment of MALTE•BRUN or a translation of Baran ; the substance of both being combined, or rather reproduced, when their facts are made use of; but in many cases later travellers have superseded part of their information by discoveries, not made or not accessible when they wrote. The only publication with which this System can at all be compared is MURRAY'S Encyclopedia of Geography ; and the fundamental difference be- tween the two seems to be, that the System confines itself more immediately to geography proper. In MURRAY'S Encyclopmdia, natural history and botany form features of the work ; in the System, they are only mentioned as the products of the country. On the other hand, it is more full and ela- borate in many particulars—as roads, canals, railways ; and possesses the ad- vantage of bringing down its information to a date later by some years. In the introductory matter, the Encyclopmdia is fuller as regards the history of discovery, and the mathematical principles of geography ; whilst the System embraces certain subjects which are not directly handled by MURRAY—as phy- sical geography in relation to organized beings, that is the geographical distri- bution of vegetables, animals, and man; and political geography, or the pro- bable influence of physical causes on human society. In statistics each is ample, though the subjects of the tables are not always the same in both ; and perhaps the System may sometimes purposely avoid what the Encycloptedia has already given - but many of its facts are of a later date. The feature of illustrative wood-cuts in the Encyclopredia is rejected in the System— which is a loss to the eye; as well as its maps—which, though small and rough, is a loss to the mind. An atlas, however, is published by the same booksellers, (Messrs. Brace, Edinburgh, and LONGMAN, London,) apparently as a sort of companion to their System of Universal Geography.] Pantology, or a Systematic Survey of Human Knowledge ; proposing a classification of all its branches, and illustrating their history, relations, uses, and objects ; with a synopsis of their leading facts and principles; and a select catalogue of books on all subjects, suitable for a cabinet library : the whole designed as a guide to study for advanced students, in colleges, academies, and schools ; and as a popular directory in lite- rature, science, and the arts. By ROSWELL PARK, A.M., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry in the University of Pennsyl- vania, and Mein. Am. Phil. Society. [This is an American publication, forming a sort of precis of universal know- ledge, and "designed as a guide to study for advanced students in colleges, academies, and schools ; and as a popular directory in literature, science,lind the arts." The plan is not essentially new in this country ; for various publi- cations with a similar object have appeared at various times, and with varying degrees of merit. The most practical feature in the volume is the list of books, arranged under the head of each subject ; the most striking novelty is the di- visional arrangement and nomenclature. The greater portion of the arts and sciences, Mr. Pane renames, either in their genera or species, by words derived from the Greek. Thus, every thing connected with grammar or language is treated of under the head of " Glossology," from yAtoo-cra the tongue ; the art of war, both naval and military, is called "Machetechnic.s," from yaX9 a battle; the exercise of the land-forces is termed " Geotactics," from ri the earth, serving as a distinction from naval tactics. This new nomenclature is designed to form the basis of a more methodical arrangement of human knowledge into four great provinces—lst, Psychonomy, including the laws of mind or intellec- tual sciences; 2d, Ethnology, or the study of nations, geographically and histo- rically; 3d, Physiconcnny, or the laws of the material world; and 4th, Techno- logy, or the study of the arts which relate to material objects. A work which professes to treat of such an infinite number and variety of subjects in a single volume, from the laws of the universe to "cabinet and carriage-work," must of necessity be superficial; and as it is impossible for anybody to have mastered them all, it is probable that the concocter is ignorant of the majority. A com- pilation, from the most obvious and ready sources, is all that such works can ever attain to. Encyclopaedias or circles of independent treatises are now, however, so numerous and so accessible, that a fair enough compilation, ex- pressing the leading principles and received views upon any particular subject, may readily be done. The merit of clearness is possessed by the volume before us: that of completeness is out of the question ; but the parts relating to the belles lettres seem the most jejune. That which could have been rendered the most complete, and the most useful, strikes us as being the worst: the list of books is a mere hodgepodge, without selection, judgment, or purpose— as if a person had put down all the titlepages he could get at, without further care.] Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society, Volume I. [This volume contains a series of papers read before the Geological Society of Manchester ; and it reflects great credit on the attainments of particular mem- bers, and the Society at large. Of course the papers are somewhat limited in their subject, and partake of that strictly scientific character which generally confines the interest of" Transactions" to persons who are versed in the objects of the Society. The papers in the volume before us, however, are well varied, both in their subject and their treatment. Dr. BLACK'S article on the objects and uses of geological research, handles the general bearings of the science; Mr. BOWMAN'S different papers discuss speculative points in geo- logy with acuteness, and in the disquisition on the origin of coal, with elo- quence; Mr. BINNEY and Captain Baowri have collected a variety of important facts regarding the geology of the Northern counties; Mr. FAIRBAIRN, in his Economy of Raising Water from Coal-mines, on the Cornish principle, applies geological knowledge to a practical purpose.] Characteristics of Painters. By REFRY REEVE, Esq. [This little volume was originally printed for private circulation, and it is now submitted to the public. It consists of a series of verses, rather upon particu- lar paintings than the general character of the painter, though in noting the points of a chef-d'reuvre some of the characteristics of the artist may be em- braced. The verses are smooth and elegant, by no means commonplace, and not devoid of such matter as their subjects obviously contain ; but they are the amusements of an amateur in verse, not the productions of a poet.] Translations from the German. Prose and Verse. By HENRY REEVE and JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR.

[A few short tales and occasional poems, with a scene from GOETHE'S "Tasso." They bear the impress of German manners and German mind, and are translated with elegance; but, like the Characteristics of Painters, they are to be looked upon rather in the light of amusements than works.] Zaida, a Tale of Granada ; and Minor Poems. By LEIrIS EVANS, Author of the "Pleasures of Benevolence."

[One of the countless tales founded on the wars of the Moors and Spaniards, and the fall of Granada. Mr. EVANS has conducted his story in a way which the common feelings of the modern reader is likely to revolt against : the father of the heroine falling by the hand of the hero, and a marriage afterwards taking place. Though the narrative, in the earlier parts, is rather indicated than told,

the execution is respectable; but the poeurwants the great essential, poetical spirit.]

. Songs of the Sword. By ANDREA FERAL& junior. [A series of martial lyrics, in which war is in some way connected with a sword: and, judging from the imprimatur of Oxford, and internal evidence, they are written by a youthful Oxonian; for they display the fluency and vivacity of youth, but their notions of war are derived from books and fancy.] Grandeur et Decadence des Rotnabas, Politique des Romaine, Dialogue de Sylla et d'Eucrate, Lysimaque et Pensees. Lettres Persanes et Tem- ple tie Gnide. Par MONTESQUIEU.

La Henriade, Pobane en dix chants ; suivie de l'Easai sur lea Guerres Civiles et de l'Essai sur lea Pobtes, da Poeme de Fontenoy, des Discours sur l'Homme, des Pobmes stir la Loi Naturelle et sur le Disastre de Lis. bonne, du Temple du Gout, et do Temple de l'Amitie. Par VOLTAIRE. [These two editions of one of the cliefs-d'ceuvre of MONTESQUIEU in prose, and of VOLTAIRE in verse, emanate from the press of M. DIDOT ; and though ap- parently designed for the schnol-room or juvenile study, display his well-known typographical excellence. They will form useful purchases or useful presents to any one reading French authors to improve his knowledge of the language, or to acquaint himself with the cast of thought and manner of treatment of the French classics under the old regime.] A Second Volume to the Supplement of the second edition of the Essay on the Archeology of our Popular Phrases, Terms, and Nursery Rhymes. By JOHN BELLENDEN KEE; Esq. [This volume is a continuation of Mr. BELLENDEN KEE'S odd propensity for finding the origin of our English nursery-rhymes or popular proverbs in Dutch ; and which he is very wroth with us for disporting with. However, as be prints our article along with his own retort, there can be no objection to his proceeding ; especially as anger has not, in his case, had the effect which Queen ELIZABETH attributed to it, of making men witty. The proverb with which Mr. KEE commences the present volume is "Birds of a feather flock to- gether "; but, getting bolder by use, he now handles poems of several verses, and is not always particularly decent in what he calls his illustrations. See, for example, his interpretation of " The Parsley Bed," page 29.]

Supplement to the Post-office London Directory for 1842. [Besides additions and the rectification of mistakes, this Supplement contains a Parliamentary directory—the town and country residence of every Member of Parliament ; and a list of the different receiving-houses in the Metropolis, with a variety of miscellaneous information relative to the Post-office.] SERIALS.

Comments on Catholicity, by Yorkshire Laymen. No. L

[This brochure appears to relate to a schism which has sprung up in Yorkshire touching Catholic observances and societies : the "laymen" who seem to be of the law, opposing exclusiveness in charitable and economical societies, as well as objectionable banners and offensive pomp in religious processions ; which some of the clergy and their supporters uphold as a return to the olden times. They might as well attempt to call up the Plantagenets and replace them on the Throne.]

Cumming's Fox's Book of Martyrs, Part XL PERIODICALS.

Asiatic Journal for February. Facts and Figures, No. VI.


The American Ahnanack and Repository of Useful Knowledge, for the year 1842. [This volume is the best-arranged work of the kind that issues from the press; equalling if not surpassing the British Almanack and Companion of the Useful Knowledge.Somety, in the fitness and direct utility of its miscellaneous matter. The complete official guide which the American Almanack presents, enables it to combine an Army and Navy List and Red Book in one volume; the tables of revenue, expenditure, and debts of the different States most at all -times have a value, and are now more especially interesting since repudiation is talked of; whilst the tables of population, imports, exports, produce, &c. form a valuable body of statistics, useful alike to the practical man who has any connexion with America and to the speculative observer.]

PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS AND PRINTS. Quain's Anatomical Plates, Fasciculus %CVO. Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland Illustrated, Part XII. Canadian Scenery Illustrated, Part XXIII.


Discourse delivered in the West London Synagogue of British Jews, Bur- ton Street, Burton Crescent, on the day of its Consecration, Thursday 16th Sebat, A. M. 5602-27th January 1842. By the Reverend D. W. MARES; Minister of the Congregation.

A Letter to Lord John Russell on the Cause of the Distress o f the Manu- facturing Classes of England, with a proposed Remedy. By Cnns.

Distinctive Errors of .Romanism ; a series of Lecture-Sermons. Ser- mon L (Introductory.) On the Present Alarm in the Church. Preached on Quinquagesima Sunday 1842. By the Reverend WILLIAM J. E. BENNETT, M.A., late Student of Christchurch, Oxford, and Minister of Portman Chapel, St. Marylebone.

A Letter to Lord Eliot on Colonization, considered as a means of removing the causes of misery in Ireland, and of preventing the wages of labour in England from being permanently forced down by Irish immigration to the starvation level. (The Budget, No. V. By a Member of the Political Economy Club.)

A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of a Sound Currency, in refer- ence both to Foreign and Domestic Commerce ; and into the basis on which the standard of such a currency ought to rest. By JAMES PanrE, Esq., Old Broughton, Edinburgh.

Thoughts and Details on Life Insurance Offices, in a Letter to the Share- holders and Insured in the Provident Life Office. By Joint AUGUSTUS BEAUMONT.

Ireland and Irish Questions Considered. By a Fellow of the Dublin Law Institute.

• Spectator, 4th July 1890.