SIR,—Concerning the correspondence on the above matter in The Spectator, I should like to emphasise on behalf of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents and Booksellers, that our organisa- tion is very definitely opposed to the display and sale of any porno- graphic or obscene literature.
As a matter of fact our Federation represents 90 per cent of the retail newsagency and bookselling trade of this country and for many years past we have adopted this policy, and we see no reason even in the midst of war to slacken by one iota our desire that the news and book distributive trade should be kept as clean and moral as possible.—Yours faithfully,
ALEXANDER MACLAREN, General Secretary. National Federation of Retail Newsagents, Booksellers and Stationers.
37 North End Road, Golders Green, N.W. ix.