19 APRIL 1890, Page 43

The Poor Sisters of Nazareth. Drawn by George Lambert. Written

by Alice Meynell. (Burns and Oates.)—Pen and pencil have made a happy alliance to set forth the good work done by the Poor Sisters of Nazareth, who have their home somewhere in West Kensington. The sketches are full of human interest. They show us young and old—for the Home receives both—cared for lovingly by the good women whose self-devotion makes them true sisters of the poor. The infirmary, the schoolroom, the summer-house, the kitchen, the squalid crowd gathered in mid- winter to receive the dole of soup,—such are among the scenes which Mr. Lambert portrays, helping us by his spirited outlines to realise the misery which is relieved, and the thoughtful kind- ness which relieves it.