18 SEPTEMBER 1920, Page 1


WE have had this week another edifying illustration of the difficulty of dealing with the Bolsheviks, who repudiate the whole moral code of civilized peoples. When 'M. Litvinoff came here as the Bolshevik agent, on a pledge that he would refrain from political propaganda, he was detected in the act of promoting sedition and was expelled. His colleague M. Kameneff has now left this country for the same reason. He came to discuss the possibility of political as well as trading relations with the Bolsheviks, on the strict understanding that he would take no part in our domestic politics. He has gone, convicted of having broken his word and of having deliberately deceived the Govern- ment in regard to the Polish peace terms. The incident should be a lesson to the credulous people who talk of the ease of making peace with the Bolsheviks, and to the still more foolish folk who would take their orders from Moscow, without in the least understanding the nature of that centre of corruption and crime.