Conference complaints
Sir: May we get the record straight on two points arising out of the Conservative party conference at Blackpool?
1. All commentators whoml have read dis- miss Enoch Powell's 'Morecambe budget' by pointing out that if he reduced taxes by 4s in the £, inflation would follow. This was presum- ably because the commentators (and if there were any present at Morecambe, I did not chance to see them) based themselves on a summary of the text. In fact, Enoch Powell was careful to emphasise that his proposals would take several years to implement. He said, . . the result (I emphasise) would have to be achieved over several years. In that sense we are looking at several budgets telescoped into one.'
2. In his closing speech Edward Heath (whose standing as leader goes from strength to strength) declared that he repudiated forcible deportation of immigrants. Many commenta- tors have interpreted the thunderous applause with which this was rightly greeted as a repu- diation of Enoch Poweil's speech to the con ference. But Enoch Powell neither made such a suggestion nor hinted at it.
Jossleyn Hennessy 95 Linden Gardens, London W2