18 NOVEMBER 1911, Page 33


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I bring to your notice the Thrift Essay competi- tion inaugurated by this society among students in the training colleges for elementary teachers in England and Wales ? I now send you a circular which announces the title of the essay for next year's competition, as I think you may like to draw the attention of your readers to the same. The essays are returnable February 1st, 1912.—I am, Sir, &c.,

C. S. Locit, Secretary.

Denison House, 296 Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W.


"The Establishment and Maintenance of School Banks, and the Utility of those Banks and other Institutions for Thrift in the Scheme of Education."


1. All students on the roll of any of the Training Colleges for Elementary Teachers under the regulations of the Board of Educa- tion on November 1st, 1911, will be entitled to take part in the. Competition.

2. The precise title of the essay will be sent by the Charity- Organization Society to all Colleges on November 1st, 1911.

3. The essays must be sent to the Society through the Principal of each College not later than February 1st, 1912.

4. The prizes to be offered will be :- First Division prizes of Z5 each.

Second Division prizes of Z3 each.

Third Division prizes of £2 each. It is not contemplated that more than one prize of each division. will be awarded for each twenty-five essays sent in, or more than five prizes of each division on the whole.

5. The money given for prizes must be expended in the pur- chase of books at the discretion of the prizewinners and with the- concurrence of the Society.

6. The Council of the Society will appoint the examiners, who will award the prizes, and whose decision will be final. 7. Essays must be written on foolscap paper, in the writing of the competitor, and on one side of the paper only.

8. Each competitor must write his or her name, and the name- of the college to which they are attached, at the head of the essay.

9. The essays will be judged mainly on their substance, but a fair amount of literary merit should be shown.

10. The essays will be the property of the Society, who will reserve to itself the right to publish any of them. 11. The Society reserves to itself the right to award no prize. should the essays, in the opinion of the examiners, be deemed not to be of sufficient merit.

Entry for the competition is not objected to by the Board of Education provided that the essays are not written during the ordinary hours of study. October 31st, 1911. .Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.